bottomland hardwood

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NWI Values of Wetlands for Flood and Storm Surge Attenuation
For example, the bottomland hardwood-riparian wetlands along the Mississippi River once stored at least 60 days of floodwater. Now ...

IRC habitat restoration diary-project map
Native woodland wildflowers gradually are returning. 5. Bottomland Hardwood Forest: An old pasture is being reforested with hardwood trees such as bur oak, pin oak, Kentucky coffee tree and ...

ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Cotton Mouse Peromyscus gossypinus common statewide 677, 678(C) 70 Occurs in dense underbrush, bottomland hardwood forests, and a variety of other habitats, including old fields, upland forests, hammocks ... 819, 1293 563 Lives in a wide array of habitats including dense understory, bottomland hardwood forests, swamps, and farmlands. Cougar / Puma / Mountain lion Puma concolor extirpated, endangered ...

Master’s Project) The Effects of Reduced Flooding Frequency on Species Composition in a Bottomland Hardwood Stand in the Piedmont of North Carolina (Watts, 2000 Master’s Project) Duke Forest Stormwater ...

USGS National Wetlands Research Center: Reforestation / Restoration
Carbon Controls Over Denitrification in the Mississippi Delta (Dr. Stephen Faulkner) Prioritizing Bottomland Hardwood Forest Sites for Conservation and Augmentation (Dr. Jacoby Carter) Natural Invasion of ... (Dr. Bob Keeland and John McCoy) Bald Cypress Regeneration (Dr. Bob Keeland) Bottomland Hardwood Restoration Manual (Dr. Bob Keeland) Return to Forest Ecology Branch Accessibility FOIA ...

Products: Science Briefs
Avian colonization of planted or coppiced hardwood forests 25 Impact of placement of bottomland hardwood forest restoration on avian demography 26 Enhancement of hardwood plantation diversity by ...

How DU Conserves | Wetlands & Waterfowl Conservati
Replanting Forests Forests that flood regularly due to overflowing riverbanks, such as the bottomland hardwood forests in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV), make for ideal wintering habitat for ducks, and ... rivers have been tamed with dams and levees. To date, DU has planted 15 million hardwood seedlings in the MAV and worked to restore backwater to these forests to mimic historical ...

Statement of Benjamin H. Grumbles, August 1, 2006 | Water | US EPA
These restored wetlands are the result of several initiatives, including the 500,000 acre Bottomland Hardwood Timber Initiative and the new 250,000 acres Non-Floodplain Wetland Restoration Initiative. Congress is ...

Environment and History Vol.2
History:In Quest of an Environmental Approach. Joachim Radkau Down by the Riverside: The Disappearing Bottomland Hardwood Forest of Southeastern North America. Mikko Saikku Ghosts of the Past: Where does Environmental History ...

Down by the Riverside
E&H Environment and History Down by the Riverside: The Disappearing Bottomland Hardwood Forest of Southeastern North America Mikko Saikku Environment and History 2(1996): ... human impact on bottomland hardwood forests of the southeastern United States, to show how enormous were the alterations brought about by Europeans in the southeastern bottomland hardwood forest ecosystem. ... More from this site

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