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IPCC Bogs & Fens of Ireland Conservation Plan 2005 - Conservation Strategy
Conservation Strategy Irish Peatland Conservation Council Comhairle Chaomhnaithe Phortaigh na hÉireann ACTION FOR BOGS & WILDLIFE Bogs & Fens of Ireland Campaigns Actions 2005 News Archive Current Issues & Campaigns ... Atlantic Biogeographic Region of Europe, Ireland possesses 51% of the raised bogs and 50% of the blanket bogs of conservation importance remaining in the region. Therefore we have ...
IPCC information sheets - Where to bogs occur
At current rates of exploitation it has been estimated that all unprotected raised bogs will be extinct by 1997, and all unprotected blanket bogs ...
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UK Annex I habitat interest features
Mountain hay meadows Raised bogs and mires and fens 7110 * Active raised bogs 7120 Degraded raised bogs still capable of natural regeneration 7130 * Blanket bogs 7140 Transition mires and quaking bogs 7150 Depressions on peat substrates ...
KIWC Newsletter October 1998 VOL.7 (2/4)
The first class, called the bog wetland class, contains basin bogs and blanket bogs. The second is the fen wetland class, which is characterized by a high groundwater surface ... . Prof. Warner said that wetlands along the Bekanbeushi River are truly unique in that raised bogs have developed in the center and a mixture of fens and swamp forests are observed ...
Alnus glutinosa
For blanket bogs in England, spot sowings have been recommended ca 15 seeds per spot fertilized with ca ..., Scotland Info - Expand, preserve and protect Scottish Nature Reserves!
Sutherland that has been nominated by the UK as a world heritage site. Active blanket bog Active blanket bog is a globally rare habitat for which the UK holds an international responsibility ... some blanket bog and throughout its range, meadow pipits, skylarks and red grouse are present although at varying densities. Red deer, mountain hares, red foxes and otters all occur on many blanket bogs ...
Friends of the Earth: Briefing: WILDLIFE ACT 1998
Fens and coastal marshes: 50 per cent loss or significant damage; Upland grasslands, heaths and blanket bogs: 30 per cent loss or significant damage. THE SSSI NETWORK There are nearly 6,500 ...
Wild Beauty of Bogs Tour
Flying Dragons Sphagnum Moss Save the Bogs Bogs in Danger Bogs Bogs Bogs Peat Index Home Join IPCC There are two main kinds of bogs - raised bogs and blanket bogs. In lowland areas bogs can grow in overgrown lakes. Peat ... Valley. Blanket bogs are usually found in the mountains and in the west of Ireland, where there is enough rain to form a thin skin of peat across the landscape. Blanket bogs are ...
Wild Beauty of Bogs Tour
Traps Treasure Flowers Turf Flying Dragons Sphagnum Moss Save the Bogs Bogs in Danger Bogs Bogs Bogs Peat Index Home Join IPCC _______________________________________________________________________________________ 1. What is the ... do bogs grow? ____________ 9. Where in Ireland would you find (a) raised bogs ____________ and (b) blanket bogs? ____________ 10. How can you help to save bogs? ...
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UK Biodiversity Action Plan. There are four upland UK BAP Priority Habitats: Blanket bog Upland calcareous grassland Upland heathland Limestone pavements JNCC advises government on issues affecting ... . The network has contributed to a range of reports and other publications. Resources Birds, bogs and forestry - The peatlands of Caithness and Sutherland (1988) The Flow Country - The peatlands ...
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