peat formation

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IPCC information sheets - Where to bogs occur
Growing wiser wildlife gardening series Bog factsheets Bogs formation, ecology, distribution and conservation issues Press Releases & ... Peat is left? The area of peatlands represents some 5% - 8% of the world's land surface, but because peat formation is generally closely linked to climate, much of the world's resources lie in the northern temperate zone. This concentration of peat ...

Campaign factsheet - Bogwatch - How you can help bogs
ACTION FOR BOGS & WILDLIFE Growing wiser wildlife gardening series Bog factsheets Bogs formation, ecology, distribution and conservation issues Press Releases & News Current Issues Specific Campaign Actions ... soil above it to become waterlogged, thus favouring peat formation. Blanket bog covers vast areas of land in Ireland, to an average peat depth of 2 meters. For more information on ... More from this site, Scotland Info - Expand, preserve and protect Scottish Nature Reserves!
Sphagnum mosses, the driving force behind peat formation. The acidic, waterlogged environment ensures plant decomposition rates are low, resulting in peat formation which spreads over large areas of gently sloping ground as well as hollows and flat ground to form an extensive mantle or blanket of peat. A wide ...

Eden Again, Marshland Information - Bibliography
NMFS-F/SPO-42: Silver Springs, MD. p. 21. 119. Pons, L.J. 1992. Holocene peat formation in the lower part of the Netherlands. In Ferns and bogs in the Netherlands, J ...

IPCC information sheets - Raised Bogs
Lakeshore throughout Midlands Bann Valley Western lowlands Mountains Peat depth up to 2m up to 12m 2-6m Shape flat domed flat, sloped & undulating Formation lake basins lake basins mineral soil ... spread across five continents. Because peat formation is generally closely linked to climate, much of the world resource lies in the northern temperate zone. This concentration of peat in some of the most ...

PISCES - Florida Everglades
... or within an atoll. pathogen - any agent, most commonly a microorganism, capable of causing disease. peat – partially decayed plant matter formed on the surface of water-logged soils, used as ... but are reproductively isolated from all other populations. spur and groove - a coral reef formation characterized by fingerlike projections of coral accumulation (spurs) separated by sand (grooves) that form ...

UK Annex I habitat interest features
Depressions on peat substrates of the Rhynchosporion 7210 * Calcareous fens with Cladium mariscus and species of the Caricion davallianae 7220 * Petrifying springs with tufa formation (Cratoneurion) 7230 Alkaline fens ...

KIWC Newsletter October 1998 VOL.7 (2/4)
The fifth is the shallow water wetland class, which is a transitional stage of wetlands ... areas worldwide. In Bekanbeushi-shitsugen, tefra zones have been incorporated in the process of wetland formation, making this wetland unique not only compared with Canada but also rest of the world ...

Richard Winston's Resume
Winston, R.B., 1986. Characteristic features and compaction of plant tissues traced from permineralized peat to coal in Pennsylvanian coals (Desmoinesian) from the Illinois Basin. International Journal of ... Abstracts with Program 1995 Annual meeting, p. A-307. Winston, R.B., 1993. The formation of deceptive hydrologic gradients in a marsh by transient responses to evapotranspiration. American ...

IPCC Growing Wiser Wilflife Gardening - Going Peat Free in Your Garden
What bogs have been conserved ? Growing wiser wildlife gardening series Bog factsheets Bogs formation, ecology, distribution and conservation issues Press Releases & News Current Issues Specific Campaign Actions Bog ... heritage can be saved by gardeners who choose to go peat-free. Why you should go Peat-Free Almost all the peat from Ireland used in gardening, horticulture and landscaping ...

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