baikal seals

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Seal Conservation Society: 1997 News Digest
Mass deaths of unique Baikal seal - In late May dozens of seals which inhabit Russia's remote Lake Baikal in Siberia were found dead and dying. The seals were discovered close to ... to which the seals succumbed through reduced resistance caused by this pollution. State officials are currently attempting to determine the exact cause of the Baikal seal mortality. Baikal seals have been severely ...

SCS: Baikal Seal (Phoca sibirica)
Baikal seals moved extensively in the Lake from September - May, covering between 400 and 1,600km. Baikal seals feed mainly on pelagic Comephorus and Cottocomephorus fish species, young seals having ... mostly under 10 minutes long. Brown bears sometimes kill seals near the shoreline. Photo: Baikal Environmental Wave Statistics Adult Baikal seals measure 1.2-1.4m in length and weigh ... More from this site

The Seal Serpent
Hooded Seal (phocid) has the shortest weaning period of any mammal, four days.Baikal Seals and Ringed Seals (phocids), give birth and raise their young in ice caves while the Mediterranean ... to be extinct, while there are currently approximately 500 Mediterranean Monk Seals, 1500 Hawaiian Monk Seals and 2500 Guadalupe Fur Seals in existence. In comparison there are approximately 145,000 California ...

The Pinnipeds
Phocidae (true seals), the Otariidae (fur seals and sea lions), and the Odobenidae (walrus). Pinniped ... Phocidae Phocid seals are sometimes referred to as `earless seals`, as they lack noticeable external ears, (although some grey seals may in fact ... old age of 46. 1 Some species such as the baikal seal a lake living pinniped from Russia have adapted a ... More from this site

Marine Mammal Commission: Simple Global Species List
Lagenorhynchus albirostris (top) Seals and Sea Lions (Pinnipeds) Common Name Scientific Name Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella Australian sea lion Neophoca cinerea Baikal seal or nerpa Phoca ... Ringed seal Phoca hispida Ross seal Ommatophoca rossii South African and Australian fur seals Arctocephalus pusillus South American fur seal Arctocephalus australis South American sea lion Otaria ...

Marine Mammal Commission: Scientific Global Species List
Balaenopteridae Physeteridae Kogiidae Platanistidae Pontoporiidae Lipotidae Iniidae Monodontidae Phocoenidae Delphinidae Ziphiidae Seals and Sea Lions (Pinnipeds) Phocidae Otariidae Odobenidae Manatees, Dugongs, and Sea ... Seals and Sea Lions (Pinnipeds) Family Scientific Name Common Name Phocidae Phoca vitulina Harbor seal Phoca largha Spotted seal Phoca hispida Ringed seal Phoca sibirica Baikal ... More from this site

Online Zoologists: Pinnipeds
References A-N Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses Smithsonian FAQs: Technical References O-Z Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses Smithsonian FAQs: Bibliographies Seals, Sea Lions, ... Seals MMSC Info: Harbor Seal Order Pinnipedia Species Phoca largha ("Spotted Seal") NMML Image Gallery: Largha seal NMML Image Gallery: Spotted seal Species Phoca hispida ("Ringed Seal") TBD Species Phoca sibirica ("Baikal ...

Otaridae - fur seals and sea ... Baikal seal which is only up to 1.3 metres in length. Many seals are hunted for their fur, shot as pests, and affected by pollution. Some species such as monk seals ... seals find it difficult to move about quickly. True seals lack external earflaps - one of the distinguishing features that separate true seals from the sea lions and fur seals. All seals ...

Two women try to save biggest lake - World environment -
Siberian taiga, hangs in the balance. For centuries Lake Baikal has inspired wonder and, more recently, impassioned defenders. With ... Baikal Ecological Wave, is still fighting to close the mill, which has created a dead zone miles wide in the lake and may be contaminating the seals ... appearance belies a steely demeanor, says the victory demonstrates Baikal's potency as a symbol. The lake "is an ...

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