archaeological survey

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Index to The Warrah & FI Foundation Newletters
Songbirds, Sheep and Tussock Grass FIFN2, p4 Peat: Patterns and Processes Warrah 1, p4 ARCHAEOLOGY Archaeological Survey at Port Egmont, Saunders Island Warrah 2, p2 Falkland Island Corrals FIFN7, p5 Sub-Fossil ... Warrah 3, p2 Sea Lion Project Update Warrah 1, p12 Sea Lion Survey: Results Warrah 7, p1 Sea Lion Survey - the Decline Continues FIFN10, p14 PLANTS Botanical Projects, Our Warrah 14, p2 ...

Construction of Kau Hale O Hana Underway
Carroll, Fr. Joe Carroll, Clyde Kahula Jur and HCC Treasurer Coila Eade With the archaeological study completed and the official groundbreaking celebrated on November 11th , the Kau Hale O ... space of our museum, gift store, archive annex and old historical courthouse and jail. The archaeological survey was conducted by a team from Cultural Resources, a premier organization which specializes in ...

Spring Creek - 1
Corps for this project was that we would do an archaeological survey of the site.  I contacted Charles Wallace of the Oklahoma Archaeological Survey and he met me at the site on September 7 ... , chipping a pretty good one out in just a few minutes. Charles Wallace doing an archaeological survey. In February, 2000, I too left OCCWQ and started Riverman Engineering, PLC.  In July, 2000 ...

Chuska Mountains and Defiance Plateau, Navajo Nation
Colorado Plateau for thousands of years. Archaeological, historical, and dendrochronological evidence show that the Hisatsinom (Anasazi, or ancestral Puebloan) people harvested ... 84: 1181-1200. Harris, A. H., Schoenwetter, J. and Warren, A. H. 1967. An archaeological survey of the Chuska Valley and the Chaco Plateau, New Mexico.Research records No. 4. ...

Untitled Document
An illustrated guide. Canyon Country Publications, Moab, UT. Berry, M. S. 1975. An archaeological survey of the northeast portion of Arches National Park. Selected Papers No. 3. Utah Division of ... More from this site

Printed Matter -- Dorothea Lange and Pirkle Jones -- Page
Approximately 150 Indian villages had been found in the valley during an archaeological survey of 1948. Groundbreaking ceremonies for Monticello Dam took place in 1953, attended by Gov. Warren ...

Grand Cayman
March and April 1993, no sites were found. In the present paper we describe our survey methods and discuss possible ... interest in the Cayman Islands. A three-week archaeological survey of Grand Cayman was conducted in March and April, 1993. The purpose of the survey was to determine whether or not humans ...

Jeanne Sept's African Links
Susan MacIntosh in Mali. Link to Mali Interactive ! ARCHNET archaeological links for Africa Cape Town Underground: Archaeology at University ... Archaeological Research: Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany Institute of Egyptian Art and Archaeology -- University of Memphis Archaeological Survey in the Eastern Desert of Egypt -- University of Michigan Leptiminus Archaeological ...

Suggested Readings
Morrison and J.-L. Pilon, pp. 145-164. Mercury Series Paper No. 149, Archaeological Survey of Canada, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa . 1994b Inventaire archeologique des reseaux d' ... , Memorial University of Newfoundland. St. John's. 1976 Newfoundland and Labrador Prehistory. Ottawa: Archaeological Survey of Canada. National Museum of Man. 1982 A sixteenth century whaling station at ...

Committee for Research & Exploration @
Asia. My fieldwork involves excavations at sites and archaeological survey, making maps of the distribution of sites along trade routes. What inspired you to do ...

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