defiance uplift

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Chuska Mountains and Defiance Plateau, Navajo Nation
Defiance Plateau, they are two halves of the same whole, a monocline (upwarp) in the Earth's crust that geologists call the "Defiance Uplift." "Piggybacked" upon the larger Colorado Plateau, the Defiance Uplift ... Corners. These semi-nomadic churro sheepherders and horticulturalists found that the Defiance Uplift's savanna-like forests provided abundant water, forage, building materials, and other ...

Conservative Quotations; Republicans for Environmental Protection (REP America)
New Deal, warning against tendencies toward statism. _______________ "The spiritual uplift, the goodwill, cheerfulness and optimism that accompanies every expedition to the outdoors is the ... good, that the ultimate reason for its laws is a mystery, and that acts of defiance such as are daily celebrated by the newspapers are subversive of cosmos." Ideas Have Consequences ...