adverse effects

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Results 1 - 10 from 490 for adverse effects in 0.377 sec.

Adverse Effects Reporting: FIFRA 6(a)(2) | Pesticides | US EPA
Adverse Effects Reporting Adverse Effects Reporting: FIFRA 6(a)(2) Section 6(a)(2) of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) requires pesticide product registrants to submit adverse effects ... of Adverse Effects Information – December 15, 1999 (64 FR 70019) – On September 28, 1999, EPA issued Class Determination 1-99 regarding disclosure of adverse effects information ...

Effects of Exploitation of Geothermal Energy Resources
The most likely adverse effects that were identified would result from geothermal atmospheric emissions, planned and accidental discharges, ... detailed list of measures that can be implemented to prevent or mitigate the adverse effects of geothermal developments. For example, in coastal areas of the geopressured zone, ...

Rhododendron ponticum, its effects on habitats and biodiversity in the U.K.
Countryside Introduction to Britain Invasion by R ponticum Toxicity in Rhododendron Inhibitory Effects Biodiversity in R ponticum Habitat Restoration Summary Other Information Few people who ... a prominent feature of the area. Inhibitory Effects of Rhododendron There is some evidence for allelopathic interactions (the production of adverse effects on other species) between Rhododendron and other ...

Environmental Effects of Drilling Waste Discharges
Shparkovski, I. A. 1993 ... there is "an extremely wide range of concentrations that cause different toxic effects" ranging from "practical absence of toxic effects to lethal toxicity". He divides drilling fluid components into three main groups ...

New research on the health effects of lead exposure
The Lead Education and Abatement Design Group Working to ... 463 114 MEDIA RELEASE 19th May 2000 New Research On The Health Effects Of Lead Exposure: Millions More Children May Suffer From Lead Exposure Lead ... at risk. Lead exposure remains a major public concern because of its adverse effects on brain development and health in general, even with low exposure levels," ...

A-D above (and as expanded upon in 1 and 2 below), or when the risk of such adverse effects arising is judged to be significant. The effects ... the adverse effects will occur and that some adverse effects may occur naturally. The difficulties and costs (to different sections of society) associated with the assessment, management and control of the causes and effects ...

Chlorine (Cl) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Human health effects associated with breathing or otherwise consuming small amounts of chlorine over long periods of time are not known. Some studies show that workers develop adverse effects from repeat inhalation exposure to chlorine, but others will not. Environmental effects of chlorine Chlorine dissolves when mixed with ...

Noise Free America - Summary of Adverse Health Effects of Noise
Effects of Multiple Sources of Noise: We are exposed to more than one source of noise; these noises will lead to a combination of adverse effects, such as sleep disturbances; cardiovascular disturbances; interference at work, school, and home; and annoyance; among others. Groups Vulnerable to the Effects of Noise: Although anyone ...

International Impacts | Climate Change - Health and Environmental Effects | U.S. EPA
EPA This Area You are here: EPA Home Climate Change Health and Environmental Effects International Impacts International Impacts Related Links EPA Global emissions Emission projections International cooperation ... for low-lying coasts and island nations. Some nations will likely experience more adverse effects than others, while other nations may benefit. Poorer nations are generally more vulnerable ...

Terminology of the health effects of elements and compounds
Ontario drinking water standard established for contaminants that have known or suspected adverse health effects when above a certain concentration. The length of time the MAC can be ... limit, but supplements time-weighted average limits where there are recognized acute effects from a substance whose toxic effects generally chronic (long-term) in nature. For example, one cannot be ...

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