Results 1 - 10 from 10 for sublethal responses in 0.403 sec.
Environmental Effects of Drilling Waste Discharges
In most cases, sublethal responses in marine animals were observed at drilling mud concentrations only slightly lower than those that were acutely lethal. In some species, sublethal responses were observed at ... fluids long enough and at sufficiently high concentrations to elicit any acute or sublethal responses. Where drilling fluid solids settle on the bottom, there could be localised adverse ...
Water Quality Guidelines Online - Introduction - Biological Assessment
If sampling sites for any indicator can be located in mixing zones ... of biodiversity, including ecosystem processes and the conservation status of sites, should be key responses sought-after in monitoring programs. Biodiversity and conservation status are best measured using ...
Publications/Reports - Metals and the Environment at CANMET-MMSL
Cd exposure in rainbow trout. Aquatic Toxicology 46: 101-119. Bury, N.R.; McGeer, J.C.; Wood, C.M. 1999. The effects of altering freshwater chemistry on the physiological responses ... -55. McGeer, J.C.; Wood, C.M. 1998. Protective effects of water Cl- on physiological responses to waterborne silver in rainbow trout. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Science 55: 2447 ...
EHP: Volume 107, Number 7 July 1999
Heat Shock Protein 27 Expression in Human Proximal Tubule Cells Exposed to Lethal and Sublethal Concentrations of CdCl2 Seema Somji, Donald A. Sens, Scott H. Garrett, Mary Ann Sens, and ... Front C. Arden Pope III, Randy W. Hill, and G. Martin Villegas p. 567 Immune Responses in Farm Workers after Exposure to Bacillus thuringiensis Pesticides I. Leonard Bernstein, Jonathan A. Bernstein ...
Coral Siltation References
Dodge, R. E., Vaisnys, J.R. (1977). “Coral populations and growth patterns: responses to sedimentation and turbidity associated with dredging.” Journal of Marine Research 35: 715-730. ... a high-sedimentation environment.” Marine Ecology Progress Series 145: 87-93. Rogers, C. S. (1983). “Sublethal and lethal effects of sediments applied to common Caribbean reef corals in the field.” ...
Pelekane Bay: 20 years of change
Botany, Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii. 12 pp. Bak, R. P. M. 1979. Lethal and sublethal effects of dredging on reef corals. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 9(1): 14-16. Chaney, D ... .S. 1983. Sublethal and lethal effects of sediments applied to common Caribbean reef corals in the field. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 14(10): 378-382. Rogers, C.S. 1990. Responses of coral reefs ...
Fluoride Pollution: An Overview
Columbia River, 1982-1986. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 9: 154-162. "Sublethal concentrations may have adverse effects on fish behavior or reproduction, which could be ... contaminated with fluoride." - Rai LC, Husaini Y, Mallick N. (1996). Physiological and biochemical responses of Nostoc Linckia to combined effects of aluminum, fluoride and acidification. Environmental and ...
LIMCO International - Limnology Consultants
Behavioural early warning responses measured in these organisms showed consistent responses to acidic conditions and revealed that this approach ... of behavioural responses in Crangonyx pseudogracilis (Amphipoda) when exposed to sublethal dosages of various environmental pollutants. The MFB was practical to use and individual behavioural responses ...
LIMCO International - Limnology Consultants
Behavioural early warning responses measured in these organisms showed consistent responses to acidic conditions and revealed that this approach ... of behavioural responses in Crangonyx pseudogracilis (Amphipoda) when exposed to sublethal dosages of various environmental pollutants. The MFB was practical to use and individual behavioural responses ...
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Froglog 48-4
(Bridges 1997), which may negatively impact time and mass at metamorphosis. Exposed tadpoles also exhibit non-adaptive predator avoidance responses (Bridges ... sublethal levels of carbaryl. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 16: 1935-1939. Bridges, C.M. (1999a) The effects of a chemical stressor on amphibian larvae: individual, population and species level responses ...