adult green sea turtles

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Green Sea Turtle - Endangered Species
Green sea turtles are given their names from the color of their body fat, which is green due to the algae they ingest. While adult green sea turtles eat only herbs and vegetation, the juveniles will also eat meat. Jellyfish is a large part of their diet. Adult sea turtles can weigh in at about 500 pounds. The life span of sea turtles ...

Green Sea Turtle - Animal Facts - Animals - Animals Myths&Legends - Planet Ozkids - Animal stories, facts and endangered animals
Somehow they know that they must live in the water and not on land. This is called instinct. Baby turtles weigh about 1 ounce, and are about 2 inches (5cm) long. Adult Green Sea Turtles may grow up to 39 inches (99cm) long and weigh 397 pounds (180kg). Turtles live for 70 ...

Critter Corner | Green Sea Turtle
Adult sea turtles eat only plants, while juveniles are carnivores, feeding on jellyfish and other invertebrates. Known as "honu" in Hawaii, green sea turtles are reptiles whose ... two hours without breathing. Adult green sea turtles grow very slowly in the wild, reaching sexual maturity at an average age of 25. Immature male and female green sea turtles look very similar, ...

Sea Turtle Satellite Tracking
Bay; Kemp’s Ridley, Green and Loggerhead. The Kemp’s and Green sea turtles are listed by the U.S. Fish and Wildfire Service as endangered species while the Loggerhead is listed as a threatened species. The turtles ... sea turtle, measured 81.7 cm straight line carapace length and was borderline between an adult ...

SEA TURTLES ARE ENDANGERED OR THREATENED SPECIES Sea turtle populations have been seriously reduced worldwide through a number of human influences. Overdeveloped coastal areas have reduced natural nesting habitats. Capture of adult turtles ... 's beaches, Green, Leatherback and Hawksbill sea turtle are listed officially as endangered and the Florida population of Loggerhead sea turtles are considered ...

SEA TURTLES HATCHLING SEA TURTLES The extent of the development on the beaches of Broward County and associated bright lights from condos, streets and highway traffic, has caused many problems for sea turtles ... of most nests. Incubation of Loggerhead and Green nests take about 45-55 days. Leatherback ... 50 years) to become an adult sea turtle. The maximum age of adult turtles is unknown, but some have ... More from this site

Green Sea Turtle
Adult females weigh on average 300 pounds and males weigh just a little more. Their carapace (top shell) can be olive green, brown, or black, depending ... of Green Sea Turtle habitat by recreational boats causes eventual collisions between boat propellers and turtles (U.S. Dept. of Commerce 2001). In addition to the various activities and practices that affect Green Sea Turtles' ...

Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Conservation
After hatching, the small green sea turtles crawl directly towards the water where they will spend most of their adult life. Conservation Status The 2000 IUCN Red List ... , 1996; World Wildlife Fund, 2001). The greatest threats green sea turtles face are harvesting of their eggs by poachers and the selling of adult sea turtle meat and turtle parts as jewelry. In ... More from this site

Euroturtle - Introduction to Sea Turtles
Green turtles are herbivores, feeding on sea grasses, algae and mangrove shoots. see Sea Turtle Biology section for more information There is some evidence that young Sea Turtles can confuse oil ... believed that they drift with the currents, but little is known of hatchling and pre-adult turtle behaviour. This period in their life history is known as the lost years. ...

Marine Turtles - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
U.S. waters: green, hawksbill, Kemp's ridley, leatherback, loggerhead, and olive ridley. Although sea turtles live most of their lives in the ocean, adult ... sea turtles, with NOAA Fisheries having lead responsibility for the conservation and recovery of sea turtles in the marine environment and USFWS for turtles on nesting beaches. Threats Major threats to sea turtles ...

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