abandoned mines

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Results 1 - 10 from 113 for abandoned mines in 0.857 sec.

ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus common statewide 39(C), 223 356 Typically roosts in human-made structures, but also in caves, mines, ... Pipistrellus subflavus common statewide 38, 654(C) 228 Occupies hollow trees, tree foliage, caves, mines, rock crevices, and buildings. CARNIVORA Felidae Bobcat Lynx rufus common statewide 819, 1293 563 ...

National Rivers: Rivers of Alaska, Alaska whitewater, Alaska paddling, Alaska canoeing, Alaska kayaking, Alaska rafting, Alaska fly-fishing, Alaska river conservation and river access.
Wherever you go, you might find old trappers' cabins, abandoned mines, native cemetaries (please be respectful and enjoy from a distance), or one of the many ...

Many of the 43 species, including endangered species, have been observed using abandoned mines either as permanent roosts or temporary stops during migration. Abandoned mines ... more economical than conventional mine closure methods. Given that bats rely heavily on abandoned mines for their survival it is imperative that the Office of Surface Mining and ...

Mine Environment Neutral Drainage
MEND was implemented to develop and apply new technologies to prevent and control acidic drainage. Tremendous progress has been made. The target is for new mines to open without ...

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement - Home page -
The amendments significantly changed the Abandoned Mine Land (AML) program, including dramatically increasing the funds available for reclamation of abandoned coal mines. After an initial phase-in period ... old abandoned mines and the positive impact on their communities when the mines are reclaimed. Soccer fields, playgrounds, and housing for the community are built on reclaimed abandoned mine ...

Specialized Services - Mine Waste Management at CANMET-MMSL
Waste characterization; Prevention of acidic drainage; Chemical treatment of acidic drainage. Other areas of expertise: Abandoned mines; Environmental technologies for cold (northern) climates; Leaching characteristics of key metals (As, Sb, Se); Tailings ...

Speeches and Testimony | Water | U.S. EPA
Senate, Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, regarding Good Samaritan legislation to clean up abandoned mines and restore affected water resources. [(PDF) (12 pp, 38KB)] February 7, 2008 Testimony ... Infrastructure U.S. House Of Representatives, regarding impaired watersheds and legacy impacts from abandoned mines (PDF) (8 pp, 88KB) March 16, 2006: Remarks for Benjamin H. Grumbles Assistant ...

Lead mining royalties by state and territory
October 2005 Queensland, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Web: accessed 24th October 2005 Sarah Morgan, Communication Consultant ... Revenue. A small portion, $350,000 per annum is hypothecated to a rehabilitation of abandoned mines trust fund, although this is a rare example of hypothecation because, as a general ...

Exploring the Mono Basin on Bike or Foot
Mono. Invites you to walk the roads that lead to abandoned mines and logging sites and deserted ranches. To hike the trails that lead far up Lundy ...

Kuipers tours Idaho mines
Mountains affords a view of an unnatural wonder few hikers ever see: Huge open pit mines. Jim Kuipers, a former mining engineer-turned-industry critic, and Montana environmentalist Bonnie Gestring, offered ... to federal land managers and assess an 8 percent royalty to pay for cleaning up abandoned mines. But with Bieter and environmentalists on the offensive, mining companies are leery of Rahall's ...

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