Results 1 - 10 from 447 for young females in 0.275 sec.
The Florida Panther Society, Inc.
Since then, the two young females have separated also. TX 108 -- TX 108 confined her movements generally within the Long Pine ...
The Canadian Peregrine Foundation - London Photo Gallery
Courtesy of Joe Milner) 2001 SEASON July 1, 2001 -- The young female, Xena, just after being banded. She is being ... young female Xena, while falcon watcher Walter Tuszinski looks on. (Photo by Shay Redmond) 2000 SEASON July 22, 2000 -- Buffy, the larger of this year's two young females ... by Joe Milner) June, 2000 -- One of this year's young females, Willow. Her lower mandible is slightly deformed, as ...
Rare Breeds Trust of Australia: African Geese
Matthew's heaviest (and best all round) gander weighs about 10 ... Older females especially when laying will often have low-hung paunches and show some indication of a keel. But all males and young females ... back or lower often indicate physical weakness and infertility. Avoid young geese of too refined type, otherwise the flock will eventually ...
Males emerge at the end of summer and mate. Only young mated females overwinter. Return to the contents, or back ... first generation consists of females only which were cared for as larvae by unmated females. In late summer males emerge from unfertilized eggs and mate. Only mated young females overwinter under leaf litter and ...
The very best dolphins are taken away, leaving the dregs behind. In addition, one can ... , and males and females go their separate ways. Females join up with other females in 'bands', which typically include ten or so mothers and their most recent offspring. () Often a young female leaving a ...
Nutria, Myocastor coypus, control and management
Litter sizes are generally smaller during winter, in suboptimal habitats, and for young females. Females often abort or assimilate embryos in response to adverse environmental conditions. Young ...
Kangaroo rat, Dipodomys ordi, control and management
Females have 1 to 3 litters of 1 to 6 young per year. The young are born hairless and blind in a fur-lined nest within the tunnel system. Usually, the young ... females will breed after a prolonged drought when food is in short supply. Most females will bear young when food is abundant, and some young females ...
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The Jane Goodall Institute
Gombe chimps shows that young females and males learn to fish for termites differently. Female chimps learn to fish termites earlier and better than the young males. Females also spend more time fishing while at the mounds with their mothers -- males spend more time playing. It all works out in the end. When they are adults, females ...
Migration of the Southern Humpback Whales
Females are capable of having a calf every two years and pregnancy lasts for over eleven months. Young humpback calves are born with their eyes open and with good hearing. A newly born young calf has to be brought to the surface to breath because the stimulus for opening ...
The Giant Panda : a young cub
The Giant Panda : a young cub G I A N T - P A N D A . C O M Female ... days. Unlike any other bear, males will often roar to announce their presence to receptive females. Females may mate with several males during the breeding season. Through a remarkable process referred to ...
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