yoga and meditation

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Results 1 - 10 from 44 for yoga and meditation in 0.263 sec.

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Bio Ravi Logan Ronald (Ravi) Logan is a yoga and meditation teacher with a deep interest in social transformation. In addition to teaching practical ... on yoga and on new paradigm social theory, including presentations at the annual convention of the American Association of Transpersonal Psychology, and at symposia in Copenhagen, New Delhi, and Birobidzhan, Russia ...

New Frontier: Sex & Spirit
And, as said by many, where there is fear there can be no love People may think they are spiritual, practicing yoga and meditation, praying or following some self ... . We do not move on.... I know many people who have practiced Transcendental Meditation, and other forms of meditation or yoga for years, or who followed some dogmatic spiritual path or religion, or some ...

FITNESS/YOGA: Yoga Mats, Zafus, Zabuton Cushions, Meditation Products, Bolsters, Yoga Clothing, Pilates, Yoga Centers, Retreats, Spiritual Magazines and Books
YOGA CENTERS AND INFORMATIONAL SITES: BURREN YOGA AND MEDITATION RETREAT - IRELAND Hatha Yoga (Astanga & Iyengar & Bikram), Satyananda Yoga, Kundalini, Viniyoga, Pilates, Detox Courses DHARMA YOGA CENTER Classical Astanga / Hatha / Raja Yoga/ The Eight Limbs of Yoga ...

YOGA DIALOGUES MAIN PAGE Stephanie Kristal is the founder and director of The Birch Street Wellness Center. Stephanie is a certified yoga teacher, transpersonal hypnotherapist and Integrative Yoga Therapist. Stephanie has been practicing yoga and meditation ... More from this site

Graduate School of Arts and Social Sciences
Jenn is in the process of designing her own passive solar home in Maine. She also has a passion for yoga and meditation, organic gardening, medicinal plants, and the guitar. She teaches in the AEI Field Program and is a senior faculty member. home about ...

Text Only- Programs and events
Twist, Sarah van Gelder (ed. of Yes! magazine), John Vasconcellos, and others. Music, poetry, dance, yoga and meditation will deepen the conference experience. Contact: Praxis Peace Institute ... Women's Spirituality Program and Transformative Learning and Change Course: PARW7820 Cultural Transformation: Partnership, Peace and Prosperity Instructors: Mara Kellera PhD. and Alfonso Montuori PhD. We ...

Related Links - Self Realization through Sahaja Yoga
Yoga 51. Clinical applications of meditation 52. Sahaja Yoga and Shri Mataji 53. Dadu on Realisation 54. Sundardas and his experince of Sahaja Yoga 55. Sahaja Yoga in Melbourne 56. Information about Sahaja Yoga 57. Queensland Meditation ... Yoga in Bangalore 327. Yoga and Meditation 328. Miraculous escape through Sahaja Yoga 329. Cure of the eyes 330. Experience of Lt. Gen. VK Kapoor 331. Sahaja Yoga ...

Houston Arboretum and Nature Center: About HANC: Calendar: June 2008
Yoga for Kids/Families This yoga class, designed especially for children and/or families includes basic yoga in a fun, imaginative class imitating animals and plants found in ... This two hour workshop will include both discussion and practicum, including beginner’s yoga and meditation exercises. Instructor Amy Robinson is a Life Balance Coach and owner of TRIUNE Consulting. Cost: $25. ...

Houston Arboretum and Nature Center: Adult Programs: Inner Peace for Busy People
Instructor: Amy Robinson is a Life Balance Coach and owner of TRIUNE Consulting, a national company aligning body, mind and ... More from this site

Religion and the Environment The Sikh View of Nature
Mahan and Meherban became students of Yogi Bhajan and took Sikh vows. For the past thirty years, they have taught yoga and meditation throughout the Salt Lake area. Mahan and Meherban have been organizing activists in a number of progressive causes including Utahns for a Nuclear Weapons Freeze; Utah Population and ...

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