Results 1 - 10 from 22 for yangtze basin in 0.283 sec.
May 2, 2000 Falling Water Tables In China May Soon Raise Food Prices Everywhere
Yangtze River basin and everything south of it, and the north, which includes all the country north of the Yangtze basin. The ... Immediately to the north of the Yellow River basin is the Hai River basin, which has over 100 million people and includes ... and Tianjin, both large industrial cities. Water use in the basin currently totals 55 billion cubic meters annually, while the ...
Argument - Impact of Water Resource Problems
Yellow and Yangtze Rivers. (3) Water pollution from industrial and urban areas is ... certain river basins and downstream lowlands, such as along the Yangtze river (see Satellite Images 1, 2, and 3). China's ... were hit particularly hard by floods in the middle reaches of the Yangtze basin. In these provinces, between 1.2 and 1.6 million ...
EDGE of Existence :: Yangtze River dolphin
The Yangtze Basin is home to over 10% of the world's human population, and the river system ... of the baiji will be invaluable for developing conservation strategies for preserving the Yangtze's other threatened cetacean, the Yangtze finless porpoise (the world's only freshwater porpoise), and the two other ...
WWF - Yangtze
Basin's economic zones generate 40% of the total production value of China and an annual GDP growth of 15% (compared with a national GDP rate of 9%). However, the Yangtze Basin also contributes 60% of the country's pollution, and is the single largest source of marine pollution to the Pacific Ocean. Current threats While the Yangtze River Basin is recognised ...
2007 IUCN Red List – Search
Yangtze system. For example, Dongting and Poyang Lakes have become much shallower because of ... in the Yangtze are expected to increase with industrialization and the spread of modern agricultural practices. Approximately 40% of China's industrial and agricultural output comes from the Yangtze basin, ...
Conclusion - Can China feed itself?
A trans-basin water diversion is necessary to better supply China's high population concentration in the North ... efficiency could cover some of this demand, but not all of it. Trans-basin water diversion from the Yangtze to the Yellow river is probably the only option in the long run ...
GAIA Case Studies
WadiZeimar/Alexander, Palestine/Israel Melian, Tunisia Martil, Morocco WaterWare: Lerma/Chapala, Mexico Kelantan, Malaysia Yangtze, China Nile Basin, Eastern Africa AirWare: Vienna, Austria Pisa, Italy Morioka, Japan Vitoria, Spain Helsinki, Finland © Copyright ...
WWF - Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM)
La Cocha Lake Chad Loire Prespa São João South Africa Yangtze Lessons learned Find out more Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) A holistic approach Related Information Ecoregions ... for prioritising actions needed to conserve biodiversity within each river basin. What is Integrated River Basin Management? "Integrated river basin management (IRBM) is the process of coordinating conservation, ...
SCWP | Poyang Lake Basin | China
The basin varies from 12-18 m above sea level, and is located on the south shore of the Yangtze River, in the northern part of Jiangxi Province. Overview Poyang Lake Basin is ... upgrade information on the conservation values. Following on the experience of the WWF’s Living Yangtze Project, the SCWP will facilitate community development pilot projects in association with a wetland restoration ...
Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for the Earth. Chapter 8 FUEL, LUMBER, AND PAPER Protecting Forest Products and Services Yangtze River basin flooding deforestation reforestation soil erosion aquifer recharge logging forest loss paper recycling Amazon wa
Earth. Chapter 8 FUEL, LUMBER, AND PAPER Protecting Forest Products and Services Yangtze River basin flooding deforestation reforestation soil erosion aquifer recharge logging forest loss paper recycling Amazon watershed desertification ...
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