wildlife corridors

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Results 1 - 10 from 314 for wildlife corridors in 0.256 sec.

The Eternal Threat (Do or Die)
The removal of even hedgerows around fields can remove important 'wildlife corridors' between bits of woodland. Resistance to the further 'development' of the UK by the government ... seductively simple way to save nature from humanity. But sanctuaries admit a failure to save wildlife and natural habitat where they overlap with human interest, and that means 95% or more ...

Livable Cities for the 21st Century: New Urbanism II
Green belts, scenic vistas and historic lands; Prime agricultural lands, and; Wildlife corridors and migratory routes. We recognize that the population of the United States and other nations ...

ForestHarvest - non-timber products from wet woodlands in Scotland
Strips of wet woodland serve as important 'wildlife corridors' in areas where few other trees are growing. They also provide an important habitat for ...

Great River Greening | History
Legislative Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCMR) for the Metro Wildlife Corridors (MWC), a ten-year collaboration of nonprofit and government partners. Obviating the need ... 34 acres of invasive species removal. 2005 Greening continued work with Metro Conservation Corridors (MeCC; formerly MWC), a collaboration of nonprofit and government partners working on habitat ...

Aimee Weldon - Defenders of Wildlife
See all jobs >> Aimee Weldon Living Lands Project Manager Areas of expertise: Wildlife habitat corridors, biodiversity and conservation planning, private landowner incentive programs Aimee manages the Living Lands program ... S. in Zoology from North Carolina State University where she studied the effects of wildlife corridors on the nest success of early successional bird species. She completed a B.A ...

Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
Tree hollows; Ground cover; Flowering trees and shrubs; Wildlife corridors "Sugar Gliders" have been known to disperse more than 1km along roadside corridors, and can survive at high densities in ... effort should go into protecting and restoring roadside, stock route, road reserve and other corridors which link existing forest remnants. Several of Greening Australia's direct seeding demonstration ...

Mount Diablo Interpretive Association - Mount Diablo a Haven for East Bay Wildlife
If private land bordering the park continues to be lost to development, essential wildlife corridors will be lost forever and genetic inbreeding could become a problem. A few golden eagles ... part of their range. No other animal presents a stronger case for the importance of wildlife corridors, such as the one connecting Mount Diablo with Morgan Territory park, and with Black Diamond ...

Monkey Bay Wildlife Sanctuary Belize - Village Homestays and Community Service
American protected areas into a seven-nation network of interconnected forests, watersheds and wildlife reserves. The ICT is intended to demonstrate a productive, sustainable use activity within ... are the stewards of these important wildlife corridors and protected areas. The primary objective of MBCP is the establishment of greenways and corridors across the landscape in collaboration with ...

Effects on Wildlife/Animals
The canyons are important 'wildlife corridors' for species like Mule Deer, and often serve as natural retreats for people who ... in addition to many mule deer and other wildlife. Canyon crossings contribute to erosion problems in the canyons, and disrupt important wildlife corridors. Endangered Florida Manatees May Be Injured By Boats ...

Canada Office - Defenders of Wildlife
Produced report on wildlife corridors and collisions on Highway 93 in British Columbia (2005). Led efforts that secured wildlife crossings on the Trans-Canada Highway on the ... Advisory Group in Alberta (2003-2007). Secured “as good as we could get” wildlife corridors around new developments in western Alberta’s Bow Valley (2003-2007). Maintained a constant ...

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