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He can be reached at - Links: For more information about the Ocean Alliance - click here. Explore previous ...
Ocean Alliance -
Chief Executive Officer Iain Kerr, Ocean Alliance collects a broad spectrum of data on whales and ocean life relating particularly to toxicology, behavior, bioacoustics, and ...
Ocean Conservation Links: Wildlife/Marine Mammals
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Ocean Conservation Links: Organizations
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OMI Works Internationally to Protect Whales and Dolphins from Underwater Noise Pollution
Whales and Dolphins from Underwater Noise Pollution OMI Works Internationally to Protect Whales and Dolphins from Underwater Noise Pollution Since 1986 OMI has been doing research on the impact of human marine activities on whales and ... - What do whales have to do with your menu?
Two million adult and juvenile sperm whales, a million each of smaller minke and pilot whales and tens of hundreds of thousands of most of the other ... on incomplete data and myopically focused on a single species, seafood suppliers and buyers must support and demand more complete research on the health of ocean seafood popula-tions and multi-species ...
Ocean and Marine Life News from Looking-Glass and VeggieGlobal
Ocean and Marine Life News from Looking-Glass and VeggieGlobal main contents good cause shopping news veggieglobal causeclick labyrinth map oceans, wetlands & marine life Dying Oceans (general) Inland Seas Dolphins, Whales and ...
Man and Ocean, Phillip Colla Natural History Photography
Whales Humpback Whales Guadalupe Fur Seals Kelp Forest Marine Life In Kelp Mola / Ocean Sunfish Portraits Water and Light Man in the Sea On Wildlife Portraits Man and Ocean Man and Animal Ocean and Light Ocean and Motion Marine and ...
Online Zoologists: Cetaceans, the Whales and Dolphins
The taxonomy comes from both Peter Evans' "Biology of Whales and Dolphins" and Leatherwood and Reeves' "Handbook of Whales and Dolphins". There are a few discrepancies between the two. I hope ... whale skeleton. Delphinapterous leucas 4aABa3. First audiogram for marine mammals in the open ocean and at depth: Hea Genus Monodon Species Monodon monoceros ("Narwhal") TBD Family Stenidae Genus ...
whales and dolphins
Cetaceans range in size from the smallest dolphins and porpoises at a metre or so in length. ... €™s. bowhead. minke and grey whales feed on plankton. Toothed whales include the sperm. beaked. beluga. narwhal. killer and pilot whales. and the dolphins and porpoises. They feed on larger fish. squid and other marine animals. ...
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