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Western snowy plover
Western snowy plover Name: Western snowy plover (photo: Bureau of Land Management) (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) Status: State Endangered (WA), State Threatened (OR ... as critical habitat for the western snowy plover. This area encompasses 180 miles, or about 10%, of the coastline in Washington, Oregon and California. For more information on western snowy plover populations in Washington State, ...
West Eugene Wetlands Project -- Memo 2
California brown pelicans. The western snowy plover, a candidate species for federal listing, historically nested on the Siletz spit ... threatened or endangered species, including critical habitat for the Aleutian Canada goose and western snowy plover. The New River supports significant runs of native chinook salmon and steelhead. ...
Hopper Mountain National Wildife Refuge Complex
Including the California condor, Western snowy plover, San Joaquin kit fox and more. Bitter Creek National Wildlife Refuge Grassland Habitat Management Plan ...
Partnership Awards
... turn of the century, to provide forage opportunities for the federally endangered least tern and western snowy plover, plant eelgrass to enhance fisheries and infauna habitat and construct fish habitat structures to provide ...
Defenders of Wildlife - Protection of endangered species, imperiled species, habitats
Sea Otter Sea Turtles Sharks Snow Leopard Snowy Owl Sonoran Pronghorn Spotted Owl, Mexican Spotted Owl, Northern Swift Fox Thick-Billed Parrot Tiger Vaquita Walrus Western Snowy Plover Whale Wolf, Gray Wolverine Woodland Caribou ...
Our History - Defenders of Wildlife
Sea Otter Sea Turtles Sharks Snow Leopard Snowy Owl Sonoran Pronghorn Spotted Owl, Mexican Spotted Owl, Northern Swift Fox Thick-Billed Parrot Tiger Vaquita Walrus Western Snowy Plover Whale Wolf, Gray Wolverine Woodland Caribou ...
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IN THIS ISSUE Winter in the Sanctuary Ocean Film Festival Mavericks Endangered Spotlight: Western Snowy Plover OCEAN FILM FESTIVAL 2008 February 1-3 San Francisco Ocean Film Festival. Come ... Western Snowy Plover As you take your next stroll down the shoreline, be sure to keep an eye out for the cleverly camouflaged western snowy plover. Arguably the cutest bird in the Sanctuary, the snowy plover ...
Western Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) By Nina Bubert Western Snowy Plovers. Photo: MojosCoast As you take your next stroll down the shoreline, be sure to keep an eye out for the cleverly camouflaged western snowy plover. Arguably the cutest bird in the Sanctuary, the snowy plover is one of the many endangered species ...
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CalEcotox Species Selector
Snowy Plover Song Sparrow Southern Long-toed Salamander Southern Sea Otter Southwestern Toad Southwestern Willow Flycatcher Steelhead Trout Stephens' Kangaroo Rat Striped Skunk Suisun Song Sparrow Tailed Frog Valley Garter Snake Western Fence Lizard Western Grebe Western Meadowlark Western Pond Turtle Western Skink Western Snowy Plover Western Spadefoot Western Toad Willow ...
PRBO Conservation Science: Snowy Plover Soap Opera
Snowy Plover conservation. A wildlife reality show about the lives of Western Snowy Plovers on the sandy beaches of California Photo Jack Haverty What's a Snowy Plover ... Snowy Plover biologist Challenge #1: Find the Western Snowy Plover ...
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