western north pacific

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The Dolphin Institute - Dolphin Research Summaries
North Pacific but differed from the constant migratory timing reported for South Pacific humpback whales. Regional data showed that each year ... pattern suggested that some whales use the prevailing clockwise surface currents in the upper North Pacific to aid their migration between Alaskan feeding grounds and Hawaii. Baker, C. S., Herman ...

The Dolphin Institute - Dolphin Research Summaries
Hawaii population differed considerably from the eastern North Pacific population of humpback whales, suggesting little genetic exchange with that group. Differences from the western North Pacific group were less clear, in part because of ... More from this site

Papers - Methane September 2003
Papers - Methane September 2003 Methane Papers September 2003 Chang and Yang Methane emissions from Taiwanese wetlands Hess et al. Tropical fruit diets and methane formation in ruminants Bartlett et al.

2006 Meeting in St. Kitts & Nevis
Okhotsk Sea-West Pacific stock of the North Pacific each year until 2009 or until the quota based on RMS is decided ... remains lacking for other stocks. Special attention was paid to the status of the endangered western North Pacific gray whale, whose feeding grounds coincide with oil and gas operations off Sakhalin Island, Russian ...

2007 Meeting in Anchorage
North Pacific Bryde’s whales and for the next two years will focus on North Atlantic fin whales. A review of central and North Atlantic common minke whales ... remains lacking for other stocks. Special attention was paid to the status of the endangered western North Pacific gray whale, whose feeding grounds coincide with oil and gas operations off Sakhalin Island, ... More from this site

Typhoon Department
North Pacific with an average of nearly 27 per year. About three of them usually make landfall ... . Strong tropical cyclones with maximum wind exceeding 33m/s (64kt) are called typhoons in the western North Pacific. The typhoon is one of the most feared and deadly weather systems on earth and ...

Threatened and Endangered Species -
NMFS are the blue whale, bowhead whale, fin whale, Western North Pacific gray whale, humpback whale, northern right whale, sei whale, southern right whale, sperm ... bring the numbers back. Animals considered depleted are the North Atlantic Coastal bottlenose dolphin, the Eastern spinner dolphin, North Pacific fur seal, the Northeastern Offshore and Coastal spotted dolphins, ...

North Pacific Right Whale (Eubalaena japonica) - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
North Pacific. However, the pre-exploitation size of this stock exceeded 11,000 animals. In general, there are no data on trends in abundance for either the eastern or western population. For the western North Pacific ...

Pacific Ocean
Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Located between the continents of North America, South America, Asia, Antarctica and Australia the Pacific Ocean is the largest of the world's four oceans. It covers approximately ... Equator into the North Pacific and the South Pacific. The southern portion is dotted with thousands of small volcanic islands and coral atolls (i.e. Fuji, Tahiti). The western rim is lined ...

STW - North Pacific Right Whale
North Pacific, North Atlantic and Southern Ocean. Three species are now recognized: The North Pacific Right Whale (E. japonica), The North Atlantic Right Whale (E. glacialis) ... Recent reports have placed them further south off Japan, the western U.S., and Baja California, Mexico. The North Pacific right whale population is difficult to study and therefore protect ...

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