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all about gorillas
Primates. Gorillas, the largest of the great apes, are divided into three subspecies: (1) western lowland gorillas (Gorillas gorilla gorilla), (2) eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla graueri), and (3) mountain gorillas ... western lowland gorillas living in the wild in West Central Africa. This gorilla is also the type most often seen in zoos. The eastern lowland ...
ITEC Faculty
Dzanga-Ndoki National Park, Africa. She also studied patterns of food selection ...
E, the Environmental Magazine: Current Issue
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) announced last week that they had discovered some 125,000 western lowland gorillas in the Republic of Congo. By Roddy Scheer ALASKA OFFICIALS TURN ON POLAR BEARS The ...
National Geographic Coloring Book: Gorilla Picture
National Geographic Explorer Classroom Magazine Homework Help Illustration by Natalya Zahn Western Lowland Gorillas The huge lowland gorilla moves through the forests of central Africa on all fours, searching for plants, worms, and insects. Their heads (lower left) are larger and wider than their relatives, mountain gorillas ... : great apes : gorillas
Primate Info Net Fact sheet Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla) There are three subspecies within the species Gorilla gorilla: Gorilla gorilla gorilla: Western Lowland Gorilla Gorilla gorilla beringei: Mountain Gorilla Gorilla gorilla graueri: Eastern Lowland ... leaves of the hagenia and hypericum trees and wild celery. Western lowland gorillas in Gabon will eat insectes, the most favorite being the ...
WWF - Gorillas
Eastern and western gorillas inhabit the shrinking habitat of equatorial Africa. There are two subspecies of western gorilla: western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla ... gorillas are jet black, with adult males identified by a white area on the back between the shoulders and rump. Mountain gorillas have longer, silkier fur, particularly on the arms, while western lowland gorillas ...
Terrestrial Ecoregions -- Northeastern Congolian lowland forests (AT0124)
Northwestern Congolian Lowland Forests ecoregion is one of the richest areas in the world for primates, harboring possibly more gorillas and more chimpanzees than ... Wild Side The Northwestern Congolian Lowland Forests are a haven for western lowland gorillas. These gentle apes are smaller than either mountain or eastern lowland species. Gorillas are primarily vegetarian, and large ...
Gorillas - Photos, Sounds, and Information
Gorillas The western lowland gorilla is found in the African countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Congo, and Equatorial Guinea. The easternmost range of the western lowland gorilla is the Oubangui River ~Photo Gallery~ • Baby Gorilla • Mother and baby • Sucking Thumb • Gorillas at Play • Resting Gorilla • Stretching Arm ...
Africa for Western zoos. After the war the trade began to increase. By 1954 there were 56 gorillas in Europe and America, and by 1960 there ... around seventy gorillas in nine British zoos (all the Western Lowland subspecies), and two zoos in particular, Howletts Zoo and Jersey Zoo, have between them set new standards for the keeping of gorillas against ...
Conservation International -
The story is far bleaker for its close relative, the Western gorilla (Gorilla gorilla), which has suffered even greater losses as a result of heavy commercial ... to experience gorillas in their natural habitat. Explore Congo's national parks with Russ and learn more about how these gentle giants live.  HOW: GCF Partners to Protect Eastern Lowland Gorillas The ...
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