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Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education - For Farmers and Ranchersh - Sample Farmer/Rancher Projects
Add Value Adding value to a traditional crop like wheat can pump up farm profits. Wes and Jean Roundy of Cache Junction, Utah, received a SARE grant to buffer the risks of taking their ... the community supported agriculture (CSA) model of providing a subscription service of weekly fruit and vegetables was welcomed by Concord area families. The growers originally hoped to recruit 60 ...
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education - Publications - Simply Sustainable -
Wes and Jean Roundy hiked the marketing trail, taking a family recipe from idea to product. Their popped wheat snacks are now being packaged and labeled and finding space on local store shelves. Like Phillips and ... ourselves and tell the public who we are.” The Roundys (FW00-017) have learned to assess snack buyers and how to reach them. “It seemed overwhelming at first,” Wes Roundy ...
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