wave crests

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Results 1 - 10 from 16 for wave crests in 0.271 sec.

In the movie clip, wave energy appears to travel at an angle from the horizontal, and the wave crests ... depends on the angle , which is the angle the wave crests and the wave energy flux or group velocity make to the ... Regions between the rays have very little wave energy. c. Phase velocity The wave "crests", or lines of constant phase, are ...

The wave field fills outwards from the paddle, reflects from the walls, top, and bottom, and begin to form modes. Physics of the phenomenon: (For discussion of wave crests, phase, and group velocity, see Internal waves 1- low frequency.) The wave "crests", or lines of constant phase, are the red and green ... More from this site

NOAA Tide Stations Upgraded to Better Detect Tsunamis
We have upgraded equipment at the 33 water level stations, and have ... populations. There can be five to 60 minutes between the wave crests, and the first wave may not be the largest. The second wave is often deadlier, as it carries more debris. As tsunamis ...

1250-1050 BC -- An Example of an Historical Cycle
Poseidon cause the vast Earth to quake, and the steep crests of the mountains. [A thick mist spread and a huge river ... of what transpired. Could a forceful earth-movement or a huge sea wave have sealed the cave closed as people hid there? These differences ... beneath did Poseidon cause the vast earth to quake, and the steep crests of the mountains. The lightning of great Zeus and his dread ...

Bicycle Fixation: Ride Report: Venus and the Iron Heart
As he rumbled by, the young black man inside gave me a nod, a wave, and a gentle smile, then roared west on Compton Boulevard, trailing echoes of his straight ... reflected the white sky back in my face and concentrated the sea wind at their crests, just where I would be most tired from pulling the hill.... The landscape of cracking ...

Padina. Habitat: on wave swept beaches and reef flats, brightly colored so is noticeable. Order Fucales Sargassum echinocarpum ... 20cm tall. Habitat: on rocky intertidal coastlines in tide pools and on reef flats and crests. Order Scytosiphonales Colpomenia sinuosa Description: hollow saclike seaweed, golden brown in color and can have ...

Marine Plants of Hawai'i -- Dictyotales
Dictyota acutiloba Description: flat small twisted blades forming Y pattern and lacks ... flat blades without the in-rolled margin as in the species Padina. Size: Habitat: on wave swept beaches and reef flats, brightly colored so is noticeable. Last update: 1/25/2005 ... More from this site

New Page 1
December. Sargassum echinocarpum (Phaeophyta) Features: Thick, spiny blades Gas bladders Golden to dark brown Intertidal, wave exposure Description: Blades very thick and stiff, margins with spiny projections. Plants 5-70 cm ... 2-20 cm tall. Habitat: Very common. Found in tidepools and on reef flats and crests on rocky intertidal coastlines, mid-intertidal to 30 m deep. Plant often isolated or in ...

Semenov: Travels in the Tien'-Shan', Part One
Turkestan and even in the higher Tian'-Shan' the gigantic snow crests are visible only from other great altitudes and nowhere reach ... carried away by the foaming waves. In one place such a wave did topple one of our horses, which stumbled on a submerged rock ... crest of the northern chain of the ZailiiskiiAlatau, while the mountain crests of porphyry, through which our pass was going, had only belts ...

Sounds of the Sea -
On a graph, sound appears as a wavy horizontal line in which troughs and crests represent rarefactions and compressions over time. A visible pattern of sound waves. This new technique ... is filled with water. Tonality of the sound also influences the distance that the sound wave travels. Sounds with greater tonality can travel farther distances. Sounds emitted under water usually cannot ...

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