water vole

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Results 1 - 10 from 43 for water vole in 0.197 sec.

ASM | Mammals of Oregon
Montane Vole Microtus montanus irruptive pop. E of Cascades associated with grassy areas Creeping Vole Microtus oregoni fluctuates W of Cascades 233 smallest vole in Oregon Water Vole Microtus richardsoni uncommon Cascades & Wallowa and Blue Mts. 223 good swimmer on and below surface Townsend's Vole ...

ASM | Mammals of Washington
Microtus canicaudus meadow and pastures, Clark cty Long-tailed vole Microtus longicaudus throughout state except Columbia Basin X: 1157 271 3,4 Creeping vole Microtus oregoni Cascades to coast 233 moist habitats Water vole Microtus richardsoni Cascades, eastern WA X: 947 4,5 Prairie Vole Microtus ochrogaster X: ... More from this site

Riverbank Conservation Ltd
Of Willow | Consents & Authorisations | Further Reading | Contacting Us | Home Wildlife Habitat Management Water Voles The water vole is currently scheduled under the Wildlife and Countryside Act in respect ... and install replacement habitats and planting plans, and advise on all aspects of water vole conservation. Please contact us for further details. Herons Herons are notoriously particular ...

Pond educational resource pack - mammals
Water Vole, or "Water Rat", is the species seen most often near water. It burrows in the banks of lakes, ponds, rivers and streams. A good swimmer, it often dives into water ... Its main food is bankside vegetation, including sedges. The Water Shrew is the smallest waterside mammal, and its habitats also include dry land well away from water. Like all shrews it feeds voraciously, spending very ...

ECUS - Environmental Consultancy - University of Sheffield - ECOLOGY SECTOR (page 2)
Invasive non-native species Freshwater macroinvertebrate survey assessment and monitoring Water quality Hydro-ecology Water level management plans Wetland design, creation, restoration and management River ... surveys for a number of species including: Badger Bat Otter Great crested newt Water vole Crayfish Reptiles Breeding birds Luronium natans and other protected aquatic plants As ...

news from the hockerton housing project
The Hockerton folk generate their own clean energy, harvest their own water and recycle waste materials, causing no pollution or carbon dioxide ... is very suitable, with plentiful forage and low predation. The water vole population of each pond is probably at, or near the ... carrying out the work and may further the understanding of water vole ecology. GO BACK TO TOP OF PAGE (6) Recycled sculpture ...

news from the hockerton housing project
HHP Biodiversity For the fist time water voles have been observed on the site at ... water habitat on the site, supporting a wide range of plants and animals as well as the water voles. It is also particularly important as the water vole has undergone over the last two decades one of the most catastrophic declines of a species ever known in the UK. The main causes of the 94% loss of water ... More from this site

Techniques to control the damage by voles
The climbing ability of voles varies. The long-tailed vole, for example, is a good climber (Johnson and Johnson 1982) while the pine vole ... and water ways that are unmanaged. Adjacent crop fields can be cost-effectively protected by controlling vegetation through mowing, spraying, or grazing. Soil tillage is effective in reducing vole ...

(Natural England) .pdf 730kb Reptiles: Guidelines for developers (Natural England) .pdf 1.77mb Water voles: Guidelines for planners & developers (Natural England) .pdf 526kb NERC: Guidance for Local ... An advice note for its conservation in London (London Wildlife Trust) .pdf 213kb London Water Vole Project (London Wildlife Trust) .pdf 842kb back to top LBP information LBP Corporate Champions ...

Forest Cycles
Forest Cycles Vole's Eye View Like a hand in glove, many tree roots form partnerships with fungi. Called mycorrhizae, these fungi surround the root and help the tree absorb important nutrients and water from the soil. Miles and miles of tiny mycorrhizae strands grow in forest soils. Instructions: Explore how voles help fungi, how trees help voles, or return to the introduction.

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