Results 1 - 10 from 94 for wastes and residues in 0.428 sec.
The Great Plains/Rocky Mountain HSRC - Design and Development of an Innovative Industrial Scale Process to Economically Treat Waste Zinc Residues
The resulting flow sheet will be used at Big River Zinc Co., or any other industry desiring to treat similar wastes ... unit processes must be developed to make them more amenable to treat impure metal wastes and residues in an economic fashion. Approach: This project will be conducted in conjunction with Big ...
Biofuel | Energy Office | Florida DEP
Agriculture and Consumer Services to enhance the market for and promote the production and distribution of renewable energy from Florida-grown crops, agricultural wastes and residues, and other biomass and to enhance the value of agricultural products or expand agribusiness in the state. The Initiative includes a statewide comprehensive information and ...
Ethanol as a Transportation Fuel
In addition, new technologies for producing ethanol from agricultural, forestry, and municipal wastes and residues are the focus of major research and ...
Department of Energy - Bioenergy
Renewable Energy includes major programs for developing and improving technology for biomass power; for making biofuels such as ethanol (from biomass residues as well as grain) and renewable diesel; and for making plastics and ... and trees, agricultural food and feed crops, agricultural crop wastes and residues, wood wastes and residues, aquatic plants, animal wastes, municipal wastes, and other ...
Sumatra, South Sumatra, and Lampung provinces in composting livestock and other local on-farm wastes and residues. This will reduce the amount of purchased manufactured fertilizers and simultaneously conserve ... and monitored by farmers and local NGO field staff, will provide an opportunity for the trainees and their friends to see the results of the techniques. By more effectively utilizing wastes ...
NAFI |Social and environmental benefits of bioenergy projects
Australians, and their harvesting, transport and processing provides substantial rural and regional employment. These high quality timber products are usually found ... heat and electricity with a very low or no amount of carbon dioxide emissions. The CSIRO ( has shown that “using wastes and residues ...
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
In short, rural Africa — where a majority of its population live — is uniquely positioned for renewable technologies. And ...
Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and
Environment (CSE)
In short, rural Africa — where a majority of its population live — is uniquely positioned for renewable technologies. And ...
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Conclusions of Survey: Offshore Oilfield Drilling Wastes and Disposal Techniques to Reduce the Ecological Impact of Sea Dumping
Learn more ***** ORDER NOW! Highly recommended by the! Muddied Waters A Survey of Offshore Oilfield Drilling Wastes and ...
Summary of the Washington State Hazardous Waste Management Plan and Solid Waste Management Plan: Final Plan
Washington. In short, successful implementation of these five initiatives will: 1. Significantly reduce most wastes and the use of toxic substances in Washington′s industries. 2. Reduce and ...
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