Results 1 - 10 from 315 for washed away in 0.286 sec.
The River Ganga (Ganges)
Brahmins may be washed away by bathing here. Hindus to this day use the water of the Ganga to cleanse ...
Linda Bergeron - Woodzen
How long it had been since hands had touched the wood! Streams of water washed away the bug eggs, the grime of wintered leaves, the smell of earth. Gently, the wood ...
COPA - PCBs and Superfund in Bloomington, Indiana
Nobody knows for sure how much pollution washed downstream as a result of the mishap on May 20, 1986. That night, a 1 ... complex was released in 1986 - either spilled over both sides of the main dam or washed away from banks near its two powerhouses - to fill 47,000 pickup trucks with more than ...
ECO-PROS Renewable and Non-renewable Resources
Erosion occurs and the soil is washed away or soil particles are blown away in the winds. (see Grasslands page regarding the Dust Bowl) Fish - When ...
Eco-Pros Wetlands Loss
In some areas, mangrove forests have been completely cleared and totally destroyed for urban development ... major food webs in coastal communities. Their unique root systems keep the soil from being washed away by waves during storms. This picture explains why these mangroves are known as "walking trees ...
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News from the Falklands January 2001
Because of tides that rip around this part of the coast, traditional wire fencing gets washed away after every repair, much to the frustration of farm manager Ian Jaffray. When Falklands Conservation ...
Beware The Lead In Leadlighting
When soldering, set up a draught which will blow the fumes away from you ... completely wet. Residue should be washed away. Contaminated rags should be separately washed, as with protective clothing, in liquid sugar soap. The washing machine should then be washed out with the sugar soap and ...
Permaculture in New Zealand
Continent, a part of the main; if a Clod be washed away by the Sea, Europe is less, as well as if a Promontory were, as well ...
Gold Seal - Wild Salmon Education - Salmon Enhancement Projects
Kisutch Channel is one of the few areas where carcasses are not washed away by rapid water. The eagles characteristically come down from their overnight roosts just about sunrise ...
DSWF - Emergency Appeal - Zambia's Orphaned Elephants - February 2008
The orphanage flooded and has suffered disastrous damage. Precious supplies have been washed away and the relentless storms have made communications impossible and roads impassable. We fear for the ...
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