Results 1 - 9 from 9 for warbler decrease in 0.502 sec.
EMS - Environmental Entomology - Invertebrate Surveys and Conservation - Bird and Insect Databases
Acrocephalus palustris (Bechstein 1798) Marsh Warbler palustris (Bechstein 1798) monotypic migrant breeder, scarce visitor western Palearctic temperate mainland Europe, ... 17000-20000 pairs, 1990; c. 15800 pairs, 1991 c. 2500 pairs, 1991 stable general decrease over central continental Europe, 1983, but stable elsewhere; general contraction in breeding distribution ...
Migrants to Africa and climate change - Environmental Data Compendium
Savi's warbler (increase), icterine warbler (decrease ...
NMPIF Wetlands 3
DeGraaf et al. 1991) Associated Species: Magnificent Hummingbird, Acorn Woodpecker, Cordilleran Flycatcher, Virginia's Warbler, Hepatic Tanager, Black-headed Grosbeak dense thickets and oaks in coniferous or deciduous ...
NMPIF Forests 4
Douglas-fir and aspen need forest edges for foraging and increases in density with a decrease in canopy cover needs snags or tree tops near open areas or above canopy as ... (Sedgwick 1993) Associated Species: Band-tailed Pigeon, Mountain Chickadee, Townsend's Solitaire, Virginia's Warbler, Yellow-rumped Warbler, Black-headed Grosbeak, Dark-eyed Junco uses mixed conifer or ponderosa pine forest with ...
More from this site - National Parks of New Zealand - Fiordland National Park
However few summits rise beyond 2000 m (6560') south of the Darrans, and altitudes decrease progressively southwards down to 1000-1200 m (3280-3940'). The underlying rock is mostly ... re-discovered in 1948. The more common forest birds are well represented in Fiordland: grey warbler, silvereye, South Island tomtit, South Island rifleman, South Island fantail, brown creeper, bellbird, tui, ...
Changed Southwestern Forests: Resource effects and management remedies (part 3 of 3)
High Fire Intensities on Other Values Soil productivity Dense Southwestern ponderosa pine forests may decrease available nitrogen (N) (Covington and Sackett, 1988). Accumulation of litter blocks recycling of organically ... Patton). Other species that prefer open forests and may have declined include Grace's Warbler, Rock Wren, Western Woodpewee, and Chipping Sparrow (Finch et al, 1977). Today's dense ...
Minneapolis Workshop
Dr. Pastor notes that even if the precipitation increases, soil moisture might decrease, since the evaporative demand is very high (if the temperature increases are large enough). ... outbreaks, more forest damage), while escaping the control of their natural predators, such as the warbler who continues to move up north. Harvey Nelson presented the past, present and future ...
Scientific studies from India, China and the United States now back up
what farmers have found for years, that Bt crops often
By 110 ... fall armyworm larvae measured at day 5 of feeding showed a decrease that was significantly correlated with the amount of toxin present in ... to reduce caterpillars in forests led to fewer black-throated blue warbler nests. A parasite of corn-borers, Macrocentris cingulum, was found ...
ON NATURE Magazine
Area to the tip of the Niagara Peninsula. Endangered Prothonotary warbler Cucumber tree American chestnut Butternut Red mulberry Threatened Hooded warbler Least bittern Eastern hognose snake Blanding’s turtle Species of Concern ... , which comprise about 15 percent of the vehicles on the highway, has even begun to decrease, dropping from about 2.5 million crossing the border at Niagara in 2000 to about ...