Results 1 - 10 from 36 for volcanic glass in 0.433 sec.
Green Home Building: Natural Building Techniques: Lightweight Concrete
Natural lightweight aggregates include pumice, scoria, volcanic cinders, tuff, and diatomite. Lightweight aggregate can also be produced by heating clay, shale, ... the most widely used of the natural lightweight aggregates. They are porous, froth-like volcanic glass which come in various colors and are found in the Western United States. Concrete ...
How We Use Cores for Research, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Deep-Sea Sample Repository
Deep-sea sediments contain microscopic fossils of marine animals, volcanic glass, sands and minerals originally from land (terrigenous material), cosmic material (microtektites), and ... very sensitive to slight changes in temperature and chemical changes in their environment. Volcanic glass is an important "time marker" and records instantaneous geological events. Sands can ...
Mount Diablo Interpretive Association - Pliocene Park
Round Top in the Berkeley Hills) poured forth ash and lava. The pebbles of black volcanic glass called obsidian may have washed up on the eastern coast from that source. Moving forward ...
MBARI - Alice Davis
Submarine pyroclastic deposits (at Loihi, North Arch, mid-ocean ridges, California seamounts) Microbial influence on volcanic glass alteration Selected publications Clague, D.A., J.B. Paduan, W.C. McIntosh, B.L. Cousens ... 129-142. Davis A.S., and Clague, D.A., 2003, Got glass? Glass from sediment and foraminifera tests contribute clues to volcanic history. Geology, v.31, p.103-106. Davis A.S., ...
NGDC/MGG-Related External References
Oceanographic Collections SIO Geological Data Center (underway geophysics) SESAR Solid Earth Sample Registry Smithsonian Institution Volcanic Glass Data File SOEST Data Center (includes GMT software) Ship Schedules Skidaway Institute of Oceanography Texas ...
Letters to Montana Senators Baucus and Tester and Governor Schweitzer re Snowcoaches in Yellowstone NP | The Coalition of National Park Service Retirees
Yellowstone's obsidian or ``volcanic glass,'' the hair and fur of various animals and other objects, providing visitors with a more ...
Freshwater Website: Informational Resources and Services (Glossary)
Destructive flood that occurs as the result of the rapid ablation of ice by volcanic activity beneath the ice of a large glacier. K kilowatt (kW) - A unit of electrical ... of saturation; also the amount of water added. recyclable - Refers to such products as paper, glass, plastic, used oil, and metals that can be reprocessed instead of being disposed of as ...
Sourcebook Earth Guidelines
Chemical Soil Stabilization Lime, portland cement, and pozzolan (high silica volcanic ash) can be used as chemical additives. Lime is most effective on clay soils, and ... forms. A variety of materials can be used for forms, including wood, aluminum, steel, or glass fiber. Systems for keeping form work in position vary. Small clamps adapted from concrete form ...
Natural Remedies and Household Cleaners
Club Soda Containers, various sizes made out of glass and/or plastic. Cotton and hemp cleaning cloths. Cotton mops with wooden handles. ... , and smell great. Natural sponges. Olive & Carnauba Oils - Wood cleaners. Pineapple Potato Pumice - Ground volcanic rock. Abrasive. Pure Unscented Bulk Castile Soap Spray Bottle Whisk broom with natural bristles. ...
VOLCANIC PRODUCTS VOLCANIC PRODUCTS Mercado and Rose (1992) sampled and examined four kinds of materials from Tacaná: (1) ... in composition. Mineralogy of the Tacaná volcanic rocks. Surficial Lava and Dome Rocks The lavas are two-pyroxene andesites. This andesite is hypocrystalline, containing some glass in the groundmass. It shows a ...
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