Results 1 - 10 from 69 for vinyl chloride in 0.213 sec.
Suburban Water Testing Labs: Vinyl Chloride Fact Sheet
Vinyl Chloride Fact Sheet VINYL CHLORIDE FACT SHEET Brief Overview: Contaminant: Vinyl Chloride Category: Organic MCL: 2 PPB Source: PVC pipe; solvent breakdown ... vinyl chloride in 1993 was nearly 14 billion lbs. Its major release to the environment will be as emissions and wastewater at polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastics production and manufacturing facilities. Small quantities of vinyl chloride ...
Making Smart (And Green) Choices When You Paint
Some examples are benzene, ethylene glycol, vinyl chloride and mercury. VOCs in paint usually come from additives to the paint, such as fungicides ...
Green Living Now Web Store
Some plastic food wraps and flexible plastic food containers are made from poly vinyl chloride (PVC). PVC can cause cancer, birth defects, genetic changes, vision failure and liver dysfunction ... much better alternative. Most paints (latex & oil-based), stains, self-stick vinyl wallpapers, adhesives, and vinyl flooring also contain toxic chemicals that should be avoided. There are nontoxic ...
EPA Ground Water & Drinking Water
Tetrachloroethylene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,1,1,-Trichloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Toluene Vinyl Chloride Xylenes Technical fact sheets on Volatile Organic Contaminants Disinfectants Many water suppliers add a disinfectant ...
What contaminants may be found in drinking water?
How does arsenic get in drinking water? How do people use vinyl chloride? a set of fact sheets provides information on each contaminant that EPA regulates, including its ...
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Suburban Water Testing Labs: Drinking Water Contaminant Fact Sheets
Tetrachloride Chlorobenzene Dichloromethane Ethylbenzene o-Dichlorobenzene p-Dichlorobenzene Styrene Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) Toluene Total Trihalomethanes Trichloroethylene Vinyl Chloride Xylene Pesticides Endrin Lindane Methoxychlor Toxaphene Misc Acrylamide Epichlorohydrin Other Radon pH Turbidity MTBE One ...
Hydroxyl Systems Inc. - Resources / Contaminant Glossary
(GAC) and are not good candidates for AOT since their reaction rates are relatively slow. Others, like vinyl chloride (VC ...
IPCS INCHEM - Environmental Health Criteria Monographs
(EHC 145, 1992) Methyl tertiary-butyl ether (EHC 206, 1998) Methylene chloride (EHC 164, 1996, 2nd edition) Methylene chloride (EHC 32, 1984, 1st edition) Methylmercury (EHC 101, 1990) Mirex (EHC ... , 1979) Ultraviolet radiation (EHC 160, 1994, 2nd edition) Vanadium (EHC 81, 1988) Vinyl Chloride (EHC 215, 1999) Vinylidene chloride (EHC 100, 1990) White spirit (EHC 187, 1996) Xylenes (EHC 190, 1997) ...
IPCS INCHEM - Health and Safety Guides (HSGs)
(HSG 86, 1994) Methyl isobutyl ketone (HSG 58, 1991) Methyl parathion (HSG 75, 1992) Methylene chloride (HSG 6, 1987) Mirex (HSG 39, 1990) Monocrotophos (HSG 80, 1993) Morpholine (HSG 92, ... Trimellitic anhydride (HSG 71, 1992) Vanadium and some vanadium salts (HSG 42, 1990) Vinyl Chloride (HSG 109, 1999) Vinylidene chloride (HSG 36, 1989) Warfarin (HSG 96, 1995) White spirit (HSG 103, 1996) ...
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(PVC) coatings. "The main components of PVC, vinyl chloride monomer and ethylene dichloride are, respectively a known carcinogen and a probable carcinogen. Vinyl Chloride, which is made ... into a flexible vinyl furniture cover. Microbes (bacteria and fungi) also play a role in the degradation of vinyl. As vinyl degrades, it gives off hydrogen chloride gas, which corrodes ...
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