Results 1 - 4 from 4 for ventral ganglia in 0.117 sec.
Phylum Tardigrada summary for Zoology 6207, Spring 1982, WR Elsberry
The brain is composed of two lateral lobes connected by two circumpharyngeal cords to a subpharyngeal ganglion. The ventral ganglia are united by the longitudinal nerve strands. Paired nerves from the brain and ganglia innervate the body. Long strands may have small terminal ganglia. Sense organs: Eyespots ...
Invertebrates have a dorsally positioned circulatory system and a ventral nerve cord, whereas vertebrates have a ventrally located circulatory system and a dorsal nervous ... ), as opposed to that of humans - - a myogenic system (of muscular origin). The cardiac ganglia provide a pacemaker mechanism, whereby the neurons fire in a coordinated burst of impulses ...
A pair of connective ganglia, known as the stomatogastric ganglia, lie on the circumesophageal connectives. The ventral nerve cord then continues on towards the telson and is made up of the subesophageal ganglion (which is due to the fusion of three cephalic ganglia and the first two thoracic ganglia ...
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Phylum Brachiopoda
Dorsal (brachial) and ventral (pedicle) valve, with fine ornamentations (ridges, spines), to which the dorsal and ventral mantle lobes are attached. 2. The mantle ... circulation. H. Nervous system and sense organs 1. Esophageal nerve ring and "cerebroid" (supraenteric) ganglia, plus a subesophageal ganglionic mass. 2. From there, anterior and posterior nerves lead ...