veiled chameleons

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veiled chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) - MISC target species
Veiled chameleons can live for four to eight years. Veiled chameleons are arboreal (tree-living) lizards. They feed primarily on insects, but will also dine on leaves, flowers and buds, small mammals and birds. veiled ...

Chamaeleo calyptratus (Reptiles-Lizards) - HEAR species info
[HEAR ed.: Chamaeleo calyptratus] turned in to DLNR on Maui: first such find reported for Makawao" Pacific Island Ecosystems at Risk project (PIER) In the news "Pair of veiled chameleons ... More from this site

San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Chameleon
Jackson's chameleons are usually bright green, with some traces of blue and yellow, and are usually less territorial than most species of chameleons. Shades of green The veiled chameleon Chamaeleo ... a spur on each hind leg that the females do not. Veiled chameleons are omnivores, eating insects, leaves, and flowers. Female veiled chameleons can produce three clutches of eggs a year. Each clutch ...

Preliminary study of the behavior and ecology of Jackson's chameleons of Maui, Hawaii
(Chamaeleo jacksonii): natural history, captive management, and breeding. Pg. 33-60 in P. de Vosjoli & G. Ferguson (eds.), Care and Breeding of Panther, Jackson's, Veiled and Parson's Chameleons, Advanced Vivarium Systems, Santee, CA. Melrose, David. 1996 interview. Maui resident and teacher who reared chameleons. Schifter, H. 1975. ...

mining blog
Juma river and spills its passengers into a city of black plastic lean-tos veiled by greasy smoke. All around them are newly dug pits, felled trees, misery and tales ...

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