vegetarian federal union vfu

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International Vegetarian Union - World Vegetarian Congress, Dresden, Germany 2008
Vegetarian Union' of the local British societies, and following the Cologne event declared that it would cover the whole world as the Vegetarian Federal Union (VFU) - ... Vegetarian Federal Union and would have been very aware that the Europeans were sceptical about more British domination. The solution almost certainly came from Mr. J. Arthur Gill, secretary of the Friends (Quakers) Vegetarian ...

Internationale Vegetarier-Union - Welt-Vegetarier-Kongress, Dresden, Deutschland 2008
Gesellschaften eine Vegetarische Union zu formieren, und als Folge des Kongresses in Köln erklärten sie, dass diese Union als Vegetarian Federal Union (VFU) die ganze Welt abdecken würde - ... kam sehr wahrscheinlich von Herrn J. Arthur Gill, Sekretär der Friends (Quakers) Vegetarian Society - und ein begeisterter Esperantist - der an der diamantenen Jubiliäumsfeier teilnahm. ... More from this site