varieties exist

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RCF: Manihot esculenta
Family: Euphorbiaceae Latin name: Manihot esculenta Vernacular name Yuca, yuca amarillo, yuca amarga, Seņorita. Many varieties exist. Ethnobotany Yuca (cassava) is made into a coarse flour that is called by the Portuguese ... found in parts of Asia or Africa, but planting densities are usually lower. Yellow yuca varieties grow slowly and do well even in the poorest soils. Yellow yucas can maintain ...

RCF: Inga spp.
Shimbillo, shimbillo de agua, pacae, paca shimbillo, shimbillo de fraile, shimbillo de mono. Many varieties exist. Ethnobotany As with I. eudlis , many Inga species provide fruit for people, often when ... nitrogen-fixing shimbillo grows quickly and can easily adapt to almost any agroforestry system. Some varieties of shimbillo can resist heavy, prolonged floods, such as "shimbillo de agua" and "paca ... More from this site

As a result of ...

Wood Energy Conversion
Two varieties exist, the earth pit kiln and the earth mound kiln. An earth pit kiln is constructed ...

rice | Greenpeace UK
A precursors. However, very few studies have been conducted so far on whether such natural pro-vitamin rich rice varieties exist. Notes ... of potential health risks. (3) IRRI has recently initiated a project to search for rice varieties with naturally high vitamin A content. (4) Greenpeace briefing paper "Vitamin A: Natural Sources ...

In countries where farmland is expanding, the habitats for these wild and weedy crop varieties ... to strengthen both local food supplies and traditional plant varieties, primarily medicinal, that incorporate both traditional and modern varieties. Additionally, the way conucos are cultivated harnesses the ...

ECO-PROS Biodiversity - Species
Known species: So far, scientists have only discovered and categorized approximately 2 million plant and ... Institute working in Cameroon rainforests have helped discover 50 endemic plant and fungus species and varieties new to science, a boon to the conservation of these forests." (Earthwatch Institute, 10/1 ...

Welcome to Irish Seedsavers
Seedsavers The ISSA is a voluntary organisation dedicated to the location and preservation of traditional varieties of fruit and vegetables. The Association maintains a seed bank which distributes seed of these ... the hands of ordinary people. One of the unique aspects of seed saving networks, which exist all over the world, is the opportunity to share in the responsibility and joy of ...

SAVE Foundation (Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe)
Ark Network Agrobioversity.Net Epidemics SAVE is the abbreviation for "Safeguard for Agricultural Varieties in Europe". The SAVE Foundation is the European umbrella organization for the safeguarding of ... with Federal considerations, leaves intervention to on-site organizations. Where such organizations do not exist, they should be set up. The SAVE Foundation is a European foundation under ...

IELRC.ORG - The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)
UPOV gives a specific time frame for the application of ... all production and reproduction of their varieties and to species as well as general and specific plant varieties. This now also includes ... variety for the purpose of breeding other varieties and the right to commercialise such other varieties. The 1991 version of the Convention, ...

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