usually kill

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Pop-up - Learn More - Air Pollution: What's the Solution?
Effects on Vegetation Acid rain does not usually kill trees directly. Instead, it is more likely to weaken trees by damaging their leaves, thereby ...

The Florida Panther Society, Inc.
Common communication is usually in the manner of low growls, chirps, hisses, whistles, and purring ... the diet then being supplemented with smaller prey. A panther will usually kill its prey with a bite to the throat or back of ... separate ways. The gestation period is 92-96 days. Panthers usually produce 1 litter every 2 years with an average litter ...

The Florida Panther Society, Inc.
And when they do, there is food left over they cannot eat, so vultures come to the scene. And a panther hunter usually ... unable to find tracks, or urine markers, or dropping, or a kill, or some type of sign that could be confirmed as panther, ... project -- Game Commission people, Park Service people, refuge people, etc. We usually try to go look. In many cases we go look even ... More from this site

West Nile Virus
Rather, a person has to be bitten by an arthropod (usually a mosquito) that has recently bitten an infected animal in ... be equally appropriate to characterize West Nile Virus infection as "inapparent," "usually asymptomatic," or "occasionally serious." Seven deaths in a population of ... New World. The fact that West Nile Virus does not usually kill the birds that carry it is one piece of evidence ...

Trees Acid rain can have serious impacts on trees and forests. Acid rain does not usually kill trees directly. Instead, it is more likely to weaken them by damaging their leaves, limiting ... for the tree to remain healthy. Once trees are weak, diseases or insects that ultimately kill them can more easily attack them. Weakened trees may also become injured more easily by ...

Livestock and predation identification page
Bears--Black & Grizzly Prey on livestock. Black bears usually kill by biting the neck or by slapping the victim. Torn, mauled, and mutilated carcasses are ... . Gray and especially red foxes kill young livestock, although poultry is their more common domestic prey. Foxes usually attack the throat of lambs and birds, but kill some by multiple bites to the ...

Red and Gray fox damage control and management
Foxes are opportunists, feeding mostly on rabbits, mice, bird eggs, insects, and native fruits. Foxes usually kill animals smaller than a rabbit, although fawns, pigs, kids, lambs, and poultry are sometimes taken ... because the prey is usually carried from the kill site to a den site, or uneaten parts are buried. Foxes usually attack the throat of young livestock, but some kill by inflicting multiple ... More from this site

Predator Conservation Trust: African Lion information : Panthera Leo
When a male or coalition of males takes over a pride they usually kill any young cubs in the pride. Once the females come into ... earlier cubs when they took over the pride. Whereas Leopard cubs usually suckle from the same teat every time they feed, Lion cubs ... four large pointed teeth (the canines) which are used to hold and kill its prey. While lions are able to bite through flesh and reasonably ...

Biologist To Study Fish In Dwaas Kill
News Sharks in the News Biologist To Study Fish In Dwaas Kill June 25, 2008 Release from: Cari Scribner Daily Gazette (Schenectady, New ... ’s open space coordinator, said before work begins at the Dwaas Kill Nature Preserve, a fisheries biologist will be brought in to ... place along the Dwaas Kill, organizers also hope to find out whether heritage trout, an original genetic species usually found in the ...

North News no. 9, Dec. 12 1994 Politicians Fear to Comply with Scientific Advice to KILL ABANDONED SEAL PUPS Recommendations from seal experts unanimously conclude that “The rehabilitation and release ... pups) ... released seals from rehabilitation stations are potential carriers of pathogens, to which seals are usually not faced with in the wild. Therefore, released seals are a potential danger for ...

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