Results 1 - 10 from 18 for urine and faeces in 0.337 sec.
UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - Environment & Poverty Times #5 - Human urine and faeces as a fertilizer
One readily available replacement or supplement to conventional fertilizers, that has yet to be considered, is human urine and composted faeces. Through the use of urine-diverting dry toilets, or ecosan toilet, urine and faeces can be collected separately and the end- ...
WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
The urine and faeces are collected and stored separately by the use of specially designed pedestals and slabs. Fig.2 Dehydrating latrine with urine diversion and the principle of a urine diversion latrine The urine is collected and ...
WELL - Resource Centre Network for Water, Sanitation and Environmental Health
Box 1. What is ecological sanitation? Ecological sanitation (ecosan) works on the principle that urine and faeces ...
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liFeline Project - Rescue Profiles
To amuse themselves, their owners will poke them with sticks to make them spit and growl ... LiFeline owns a small jungle reserve in Belize. This is the project base, and here we can provide rescue and rehabilitation facilities in the cats' native rainforest. . With proper feeding, veterinary care ...
Risk Assessments. Section where the actual HERA results on specific chemical ingredients (i.e. the HERA Risk Assessment) can be viewed.
Isoeugenol Isopropyl Alcohol Linear Alkylbenzene Sulphonate Perboric acid, sodium salt, mono and tetrahydrate Phosphonates Polycarboxylate, homo- & copolymers Polycyclic Musk AHTN Polycyclic Musk HHCB ... the same phosphates as those formed by natural hydrolysis of human urine and faeces, animal wastes, food and organic wastes, mineral fertilisers, bacterial recycling of organic materials in ...
Estimates Debate -- In Committee - Vote Agriculture and Forestry | Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
Right across the country we are seeing a decline in the quality of our rivers and lakes as a result of the intensification and ...
UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Publications - Environment & Poverty Times #5 - Stocks, bonds and ... trees
Cooking on ethanolPayout from the biosphere stock exchangeProfit-seeking capitalists to save rainforestsStocks, bonds and ... treesPatient capital for an Africa that can't waitBiofuels, land use, and ... countries to developing countries, this has now been surpassed by investments and worker's remittances, and these flows show no sign of slowing down -- maybe only ...
Source-separating toilets
Source separating toilets occur in tvo pricipal forms, the dry and the wet. In the dry type, urine and faeces ...
Greywater= gray water = grey water
Given that it is not polluted with urine and faeces. To avoid doing something that silly, use source separating ... and Rurik comparison Courses Ecology and physics Thermodynamics and ecosystems IT distance courses (Mostly in Swedish) Recycling Ecology and physics The gaia theory Waste water and source separation The current MIFSLA system Source separating toilets Urine Faeces ...
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Marine Connection
Witnesses have observed exhausted and frightened dolphins become entangled in the nets and die and also pregnant females aborting their calves. Captures continue for two ... will generate 5 times as much urine and faeces as an average human), cannot effectively be swept away by tidal flow -therefore both the dolphins and human participants are in danger from ...
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