Results 1 - 10 from 45 for uranium and radium in 0.259 sec.
Radon: Environmental Health in Minnesota
It is produced from minerals in soil, such as uranium and radium. It is colorless, odorless and tasteless. Go to > top. Why is ... problem in Minnesota Homes? Much of the soil in the Upper Midwest contains widespread uranium and radium. These minerals continuously break down to release radon gas. Therefore, Minnesota's geology ...
If there is radium in the water, it will also be picked up by the cation resin and you need ... more. South Carolina Study comparing Reverse Osmosis and Ion Exchange for Uranium and other ions. Uranium and Radium power point presentation. Chemistry and technologies for water treatment. www. ...
TEACH: Areas of Concern
PCBs, is the result of past waste management practices in the processing of uranium and radium during the 1930s and 1940s. Bay of Quinte: Agricultural and urban runoff, sediments, sewage treatment plants, industrial discharges, combined sewer overflows, illegal sewer connections, shoreline development and ...
Radon Outreach Program - Washington State Dept of Health
When radium undergoes radioactive decay radon gas is created. Radon is a ... . When radium in the soil decays the radon produced can rise up into the air and possibly get into a building and concentrate. ... of the granite used in countertops has elevated levels of uranium and radium. Even using a Geiger counter may not give useful information. ...
Uranium Mining on the Colorado Plateau
Wind: Oral Histories and Photographs of Navajo Uranium Miners & Their Families. Navajo Uranium Miner Oral History And Photography Project. Red Sun Press, Jamaica Plain, MA. Eichstaedt, P. H. 1994. If You Poison Us: Uranium and ...
Uranium Ore Minerals
Utah and northern Arizona, in which pitchblende occurs with a variety of secondary uranium and copper minerals and copper and lead sulfides, and the deposits ... Colorado, Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico, which have been radium, vanadium, and uranium producers since 1898. Three-quarters of the more than one hundred uranium minerals are secondary minerals, ...
Radon (Rn) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
There is anyway a detectable amount of radon in the atmosphere. Radon collects over samples of radium 226 at the rate of around 0.001 cm3/day per g of radium. Health effects of ... through uranium and phosphate mines, and through coal combustion. Some of the radon that is located in the soil will move to the surface and enter ...
Radium (Ra) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Environmental effects of radium Radium is constantly produced by the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium. Radium is present at very low levels in rocks and soil and ...
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Legacy of Uranium Mining on Native American Land
Did the U.S. Government know that working with uranium was harmful? The ability of radium to kill cells was known and it was being used to treat cancer several decades ... Excellent, informed well-researched book on Uranium and Native Americans: If You Poison Us by Peter H.
Spokane Reservation Uranium
Blue Creek. Radionuclides of concern at the Midnite mine and in downstream watersheds include Uranium-238 decay series isotopes such as Uranium-238, Radium-226, Thorium-230 and ...
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