uranium and plutonium

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Results 1 - 10 from 61 for uranium and plutonium in 0.392 sec.

Nuclear Waste
Reprocessing separates residual uranium and unfissioned plutonium from the fission products. The uranium and plutonium can be used again as fuel. Most ... and stored with the same care as separated high-level waste, since they contain the highly-radioactive fission products plus uranium and plutonium. Spent fuel is currently being stored in large water-cooled pools and ...

Dissertations and Monographs IO PAS
Polish) 11/1999 Alicja Kosakowska - The influence of iron and selected organic compounds on Baltic Sea phytoplankton - 160 pp. (in Polish) 10/1999 Andrzej ... production, Institute of Oceanology, Sopot 1995, 110 pp. (in English) 6/1995 Bogdan Skwarzec - Polonium, uranium and plutonium in the ecosystem of the southern Baltic Sea, Institute of Oceanology, Sopot 1995, 183 ...

Iodine (I) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Most radioactive isotopes of iodine have very short half-lives and will reshape into stable iodine compounds quickly. However, there is one radioactive form of ... live of millions of years and that is seriously harmful to the environment. This isotope enters the air from nuclear power plants, where it is formed during uranium and plutonium processing. Accidents in ...

Plutonium (Pu) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Plutonium in the environment Trace amounts of plutonium are found naturally in uranium-rich ores. Humans produce most of the existing plutonium, in special nuclear reactors. Besides being naturally present in very small amounts, plutonium ... More from this site

Friends of the Earth: Belgische Coalitie STOP URANIUM WAPENS!
The use of Depleted Uranium Munitions in Afghanistan (45k, .pdf) Wet Uraniumwapens (Staatsblad) (45k, .pdf) Dossier Uraniumwapens (1.9MB, .pdf) Depleted Uranium and Plutonium in samples collected in Kosovo (80k, .pdf) Recht spreekt voor Victoria (390k, .pdf) Flahaut over verarmd uranium (80k, .pdf) AFRRI ...

Organoclays for Water and Waste Treatment
Plutonium and Uranium Recovery by EXtraction. The PUREX process is a liquid-liquid extraction method used to reprocess spent nuclear fuel, in order to extract uranium and plutonium, independent of each other, from the fission products. The liquid waste resulting from PUREX is a complex blend of organics and ...

Friends of the Earth: Belgische Coalitie STOP URANIUM WAPENS!
The use of Depleted Uranium Munitions in Afghanistan (45k, .pdf) Wet Uraniumwapens (Staatsblad) (45k, .pdf) Dossier Uraniumwapens (1.9MB, .pdf) Depleted Uranium and Plutonium in samples collected in Kosovo (80k, .pdf) Recht spreekt voor Victoria (390k, .pdf) Flahaut over verarmd uranium (80k, .pdf) AFRRI ...

Progress & Nuclear Power: The Destruction of the Continent and Its Peoples
Energy companies interlocked with uranium and oil ... of work-save-invest-sell, torturing each other with platitudes, promises and police, inside defused and disconnected power plants, behind plutonium doors. -1979 Dead Trees EF! c/o 6 Tilbury Place ...

"Goodbye to the War Party (Republicrats et al) and the nuclear threat"
Billions of years is depleted uranium's lasting harm. Some nuclear waste and radiation diminishes relatively fast, but most nuclear waste is mind boggling: plutonium is the harshest, deadliest ... American lands contain uranium, and the poisoning of mining and exploitation must be terminated. Nuclear power plants in France and Germany in early August had to be powered down and sprayed with ...

Ecotecture | Major Doug Rokke interview | Depleted Uranium Munitions
We know from the US Department of Energy reports and also from the US Army Environmental Policy Institute report that it’s also contaminated with plutonium, neptunium and americium and submitted cases. The uranium ...

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