Results 1 - 4 from 4 for ural owl in 0.140 sec.
San Diego Zoo's Animal Bytes: Owl
Strix nebulosa, the ural owl Strix uralensis, and the tawny owl Strix aluco all live in the same range, but the great gray owl is a daytime hunter. It prefers voles as prey. The tawny owl also hunts voles, but only at night, and the ural owl hunts larger prey, such as squirrels. Name that owl ...
The Hawk Conservancy Trust -
Owl Sparrowhawk Spectacled Owl Spotted Little Owl Spotted Eagle Owl Square-tailed Kite Stellers Sea Eagle Striated Caracara Striped Owl Swallow-tailed Kite Tawny Eagle Tawny Owl Tengmalm's Owl Tiny Sparrowhawk Turkey Vulture Ural Owl ...
The Raptor Foundation May 2007 Newsletter
Care Total Barn Owl 4 4 Tawny Owl 2 2 4 Kestrel 2 2 4 Sparrowhawk 2 2 Marsh Harrier 1 3 4 Buzzard 1 1 Ural Owl Returned to ... and could not get away from me; to my surprise it was an Ural owl. It took two weeks to locate the owner who was only 3 doors ... them. What has been your best experience so far? Handling my first owl - Pip, the Tawny owl, who was really patient with all the children. Tell us ...
Dam cascade on the Belaya river
In cooperation with: Collaboration Centreof the"Volga - Ural Network" Russian Rivers Network Help the River Volga Greenpeace Russia ... the UNESCO "Natural Word Heritage Area" list as the "Bashkirian Ural" (this application was rejected). Some basic characteristics of the ... population). 3.Here brood about 130 pairs of the eagle-owl (Bubo bubo) (1% of the entire European population and ...