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Uqba ibn Nafi crossed the deserts of Egypt and began the first Muslem conquest of the Maghreb region of North Africa. Establishing military posts at regular intervals along his route, Uqba ibn Nafi came ... . Here we find mention of an incident that occurred during the initial encampment of Uqba ibn Nafi, an incident which, because of its miraculous nature, most history books have chosen to ...
Some Stories Again!
Maghrib desert.) Account of the adventures of Uqba b. Nafi by the Arab historian Ibn 'Abd al-Hakam (a story strangely reminiscent of ... when they were cast on to the Libyan desert!) Finally, Uqba b. Nafi is seen driving his mare into the sea in the uttermost ... this treasure; but he found nothing, and left off. (From ibn Battuta) A story from Samarkhand: Bibi Khanum, the Mongolian princess ...