Results 1 - 10 from 249 for upland habitat in 0.243 sec.
IPCC Bogs & Fens of Ireland Conservation Plan 2005 - Campaign Action
As yet Dúchas have only designated 111,000ha of upland habitat as NHAs, representing 3% of the upland area of Ireland. A visual appraisal of the distribution of upland and mountain areas overlain by the ...
The Federal Duck Stamp Program: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
National Wildlife Refuge System. To date, Duck Stamp funds have been used to purchase habitat at hundreds of refuges located in nearly ...
Gopher Tortoise Council -Conservation
Our first venture into upland habitat acquisition also involved The Nature Conservancy, but in that case TNC suggested we take our ... matching program. $2,300 had now grown to $12,000 earmarked for the purchase of upland habitat. Archbold Biological Station then agreed to further this effort by matching those funds. The end ...
Gopher Tortoise Council Grants Program
Proposals can address research concerning gopher tortoise biology or any other relevant aspect of upland habitat conservation and management. The amount of the award is variable, but has averaged $ ... Wekiva River Basin and an evaluation of a habitat management technique. 1991 Judith Hicklin, Florida Atlantic University, Gopher tortoise habitat utilization in relation to invading exotic woody plants. ...
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IRC habitat restoration diary-fifteenth installment
IRC habitat restoration diary-fifteenth installment Diary of a Restoration 15th Installment, April 8, 2005 The Illinois ... . In addition to the prairie burn, crews conducted a woodland burn of two sections of upland woods. Those burns are intended to clear out understory brush and leaf litter, stimulate the ...
IRC habitat restoration diary-project map
Illinois Raptor Center's 15-acre property west of Decatur. Numbered areas correspond to a habitat type being restored in that location. 1. Prairie Reconstruction: The prairie was planted from seed ... this section, a regime of burning and reintroduction is being undertaken over several years. 4. Upland woods are undergoing brush and non-native species removal, and fire is being reintroduced. Native ...
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Save Our Seine River Environment Inc >> The Seine River >> Habitat
HABITAT The Seine River Environment is a blend of smaller environments and represents a wide diversity of plant and animal species. The Riparian Environment as a habitat, "supports aquatic, semi aquatic and upland ... A, B, C and D' Quality Habitat. Below are the descriptions that determine a site's habitat quality ranking. 'A' Quality Habitat (Maximum Sensitivity to Disturbance): Virtually undisturbed ...
Freshwater habitat
Lowland Grassland Lowland Grassland LBAP Workshop Newsletter Lowland Heathland Newsletter Seminar - Changing Landscapes Lowland Wetland Soils Newsletter Uplands Seminar - Managing upland catchments: Priorities for water and habitat ...
Upland Sandpiper
Long billed Curlew have a similar strategy of nesting and feeding in upland prairie habitat. Formerly, the summer range of the Upland Sandpiper extended from Maine to Kansas and then northwest to Alaska ... to old fields changing back to forest and suburbanization of the countryside. Upland Sandpiper foraging for food In its habitat, it cannot be confused with any other bird. Killdeer are sometimes ...
Philippines -- Habitat for Humanity Int'l
Upland Cavite HFH Tagaytay City Tagbilaran HFH Tagbilaran City Taguig, HFH Taguig City Central Plains HFH Tarlac City Zamboanga HFH Zamboanga City Thank you for visiting the official Habitat ...
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