Results 1 - 10 from 315 for unique organisms in 0.312 sec.
Soils Resource Kit
Richter, Daniel and Markewitz, Daniel. Understanding Soil Change: Soil Sustainability over Melennia, Decades and Centuries ...
Bat droppings (guano) support entire ecosystems of unique organisms, including bacteria which can be used to detoxify waste, improve detergents and produce gasohol. Contrary ...
Land Trust
One hundred years ago, the mountain ranges forming the “backbone” of Costa Rica ... ; that is, they have never been found anywhere else. Migratory organisms CEC forest provides very important habitat for migratory organisms. Remnant forest patches and corridors along the Pacific slope are ...
Earlham -- Biological Diversity -- Tuataras rock!!
Cook and Brother Islands tuatara? What are the most pressing dangers facing these utterly unique organisms? Most pressing is the presence of two mammalian predators, the kiore or pacific rat, Rattus ... Access date 11/08/2001 Tuatara : The worlds most unique reptile. Access date 11/08/2001 Ferus, L.W ...
Marine Zones -
Humans also frequently rely on the littoral region as can be observed in ... greatest biodiversity in the sea, largely because of the availability of sunlight that enables photosynthetic organisms to thrive. Both marine plants and animals are found here. From 200-1,000 meters ...
Beller's Ground Beetle
The bogs that sustain this beetle, as well as many other unique organisms, continue to be severely impacted by draining, filling and peat-mining activity. It can ... bog species, indicates the disappearance of our sphagnum bogs, which provide essential habitat to many unique organisms as well as valuable services to human beings. Wetland areas efficiently filter our groundwater, ...
WWF - Glaciers at risk
Coral reefs - unique organisms that can be starved of energy from the sun when sea levels rise. Glacier retreat ...
ECO-PROS Invasive Non-Native Species
More people must also come to the ... species and cause catastrophic changes in marine ecosystems." Under Oil Spills: The lives of the unique species of the Galapagos are threatened from "200,000 gallons of oil which spilled out ...
Gas impact on fish and other marine organisms
Offshore- Recommend this site to a colleague Environmental Impact of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry by Stanislav Patin - a unique summary of world- ... Gas Industry. Gas impact on marine organisms General outline of biological response The first important feature of interaction between gaseous traces and marine organisms is the quick fish response to ...
Unique Vabbinfaru Lotus Reef
In addition these structures have the unique property of self-repair: any physical damage to the Mineral Accretion is filled in first ... coral eating Crown of Thorns starfish and certain coral-eating snails are removed. Undesirable weedy organisms that could overgrow corals, such as certain sponges and algae, are periodically removed to allow ...
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