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Korea’s nuclear arsenal. Technorati: China, North Korea, nuclear, cartography, Maps. US Congress passes unilateral sanctions against Iran strategical partners - 0 Comments Posted by laurent in Russia, US, Iran ( ... Maps and Earth • North Korea missile range maps • US Congress passes unilateral sanctions against Iran strategical partners • India to share terror evidence with Pakistan • ...
(3/10/97) End Sanctions, Corporations Tell Feds
In a new, 30-page report, the NAM catalogues 61 U.S. laws and executive actions authorizing unilateral sanctions that have been enacted ... major reasons why unilateral sanctions should not be employed, beginning with the potential loss of exports and jobs and the inherent advantage given foreign rivals. Unilateral economic sanctions, according to ...
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
U.S. government has also repeatedly refused to impose trade sanctions in numerous other conservation treaty battles. * Makes possible stronger ... vulnerable to a WTO-type challenge than have been the unilateral MMPA sanctions like those challenged by Mexico in 1991. FACT: ... Administration, which refuses to enforce other trade sanctions, would enforce new trade sanctions proposed by H.R.2823 and S.1420 ...
Final Draft of Resolution on War and Militarism
War on Terrorism,” the impending invasion of Iraq and the blanket declaration of unilateral military action on the part of the United States has caused and will continue to ... suffering and environmental damage; Whereas U.S. attacks on Afghanistan and over a decade of sanctions against and bombing of Iraq are a continuation of a long history of military aggression ...
ETFRN NEWS 43/44: Forests and conflicts
One option is the imposition of UN Security Council (UNSC) sanctions: in May 2003, the UNSC imposed sanctions on the Liberian logging industry, for the first time explicitly recognising ... In the absence of a UNSC resolution, timber-importing countries could also impose smart sanctions on a unilateral or multilateral basis, as Article XXI(c) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and ...
Whales, the U.S. Pelly Amendment and international trade law
United States. ... of the Pelly Amendment and the ever-present threat of trade sanctions is consistent with U.S. obligations under the GATT. The Pelly ... behaviour on foreign actors operating outside the United States and the unilateral nature of the Pelly process are swept aside in the moral ...
High North News 11/96:
U.S. Protests Against Canadian Whale Hunt
Inuvialuit, also landed a bowhead. US legislation (the Pelly Amendment) allows for trade sanctions to be imposed on nations whose actions diminish(es) the effectiveness of the ... Baker, who is also administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Canadas unilateral whaling quotas call into question its commitment to international management of living marine resources, ...
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Mark Matthews Native groups face daunting bureaucracy to be officially recognized with tribal status End Sanctions, Corporations Tell Feds by Jim Lobe In the opening shot of a long-anticipated ... Manufacturers (NAM) is calling for the United States to abandon its widespread use of unilateral economic sanctions Guyana Kicks Out Unification Church by Bert Wilkinson Less than three months after their ...
What's New - Global Policy Forum
Despite a 14-0 vote in the Security Council, UN member states disagreed over extending sanctions against Iran. The Christian Science Monitor reports that South Africa, Vietnam, Indonesia and Libya ... a draft resolution and withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. The report reveals a unilateral strategy within US policy dominating the space dimension of military operations to protect US ...
U.N. inspections of Iraqi weapon systems, rather than unilateral use of force. Condemning the invasion plans, the European Green statement "support[s] those ... intensity war, with bombing raids every month. Between the destruction of infrastructure and the sanctions, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians have died during the past decade, including half ...