uncolonized areas

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Great Plains Restoration Council | GPRC | Fort Worth, Tx • Denver, CO • Thunder Valley, SD
These rodents produce soil which is substantially softer and looser than soil in uncolonized areas. Such rodents consequently represent a range improvement, which can undo some negative effects on ... those species on a colony. Prairie dog colonies don't operate in isolation from uncolonized areas, so why should their value to biodiversity levels/associated wildlife be judged in isolation? ...

Prairie Dog Coalition - Fascinating Facts about Prairie Dogs
The grasses on prairie dog colonies are higher in nutritional quality than uncolonized areas, despite less overall quantity. Prairie dogs enrich and aerate the soil by digging burrows ... birds highly dependent on prairie dog colonies for nesting and breeding habitat in many areas; both are imperiled and declining. The ferruginous hawk is another important prairie dog predator ...

Prairie Dog Coalition - Associated Species
These rodents produce soil which is substantially softer and looser than soil in uncolonized areas. Such rodents consequently represent a range improvement, which can undo some negative effects on ... those species on a colony. Prairie dog colonies don't operate in isolation from uncolonized areas, so why should their value to biodiversity levels/associated wildlife be judged in isolation? ... More from this site

Pitcher's Thistle ESA
C. pitcheri is colonizing new areas. This may be particularly useful in foredune areas that are now reforming after destruction by unusually high water levels ... also varies dramatically from year to year. Field surveys of uncolonized habitat should be conducted every few years in areas of high C. pitcheri concentration. When discovered, new populations should ...

Blagdon Cross: Plants For A Future's Devon Site
(Common Spotted Orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchii). Natural Grassland, uncolonized by gorse, goat willow or brable. Young oak trees have also been observed over much ... been spotted near an abandoned pile of compost, and last year saw a the grassland areas full of six spot burnet moths with a distinctive red and black markings. Voles, dormice ...

Dawnsong: A Powerful Tool
Purple Martin sitting on a speaker broadcasting dawnsong at the uncolonized site of Gerald Presley in Sarver, PA. This male is one ... generated. If possible, point the speaker in the direction of any areas you suspect martins might roost or feed, like a large body ... the season when the fledglings and adults are roaming over vast areas prior to flocking for migration. Dawnsong works! If you live in ...

Honor the Earth: Grants: Groups We Have Funded In The Past: 2003
Seven Council Fires and to learn it from an uncolonized viewpoint, which will assist them in becoming leaders in their own camp circles. They will ... . IEN realizes there is a need for community leaders to be well trained in specialized areas, so they designed a project to train grassroots indigenous leaders and youth in the following ...