ulva species

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Ulva rigida  C
Ulva species are early-successional algae, quickly taking over new substrate on boulders that are cleared by storm disturbance. Ulva and Enteromorpha species are generally the first macroalgae to colonize newly opened substrate in intertidal areas with high nutrients. Their opportunistic success can be attributed to their simple morphologies and fecundity. In Ulva species ...

Ulva fasciata  Delile 1813
Ulva species are early-successional algae, quickly taking over new substrate on boulders that are cleared ... nutrients. Their opportunistic success can be attributed to their simple morphologies and fecundity. In Ulva species, between 20 to 60 percent of their overall biomass can be allocated monthly ... More from this site

C:\Documents\WWW\ReefNetwork\ReefNetwork\marlife\seaweeds\seaweeds descriptions.
Division Cyanophyta -- cyanobacteria or blue-green algae Lyngbya majuscula unknown species Kingdom Plantae Division Chlorophyta - green algae Order Ulvales Ulva fasciata Ulva reticulata Order Bryopsidales Bryopsis plumosa Codium arabicum Codium edule Codium reediae ...

Habitat: shallow tide pools and subtidal habitats. Kingdom Plantae Division Chlorophyta (green algae) Order Ulvales Ulva fasciata Description: very common known as sea lettuce flat twisted blade 1-10cm wide and ... green color. consists of many flat blades without the in-rolled margin as in the species Padina. Habitat: on wave swept beaches and reef flats, brightly colored so is noticeable. Order ... More from this site

Exotics Guide
The Ilyanassa obsoleta population in San Francisco Bay also harbors several species of trematode flatworms, including the schistosome Austrobilharzia variglandis which causes "swimmers' itch" in ... Species in San Francisco Bay: Top Click on thumbnails to see larger images. Andrew N. Cohen Ilyanassa obsoleta on a green seaweed (Ulva ...

Exotics Guide
Bishop Museum and University of Hawaii - Guidebook of Introduced Marine Species of Hawaii Encyclopedia of Marine Life of Britain and Ireland ... Luis A Solórzano Diadumene franciscana from San Francisco Bay, growing on a green seaweed (Ulva lactuca). Specimens in the bay often have double stripes, as seen here, though ... More from this site

Green Seaweed Gallery
Fucus. Dark green Ulva, dark Fucus, and white barnacles in heavily polluted Halifax Harbour in early October. Hairy codium ...

Where to see birds in NZ
Most ... coast to mountain peaks. Many bird species are to be found, including some of our rare species such as: great spotted kiwi, ... species of kiwi that is active during the day. Tours run every second night from Half Moon Bay (the island township). Boat tours also run to Ulva ...

Green Tides
Breton beaches. The latter eutrophication event is caused by the species called Ulva armoricana and Ulva rotundata ; over the last 15 years, it has been particularly studied by our ...

Forests of the Sea: Phytoplankton and Marine plants -
Some species attach to sandy shores by secreting a calcareous cement rather than holdfasts that might shift with the sand and become unstable. Ulva compressa Ulva rigida (Sea Lettuce) Seagrasses Seagrasses, unlike seaweed, are flowering plants that live submerged in the marine environment. There are an estimated 50 species of seagrasses ...

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