Results 1 - 5 from 5 for ultra violet ray in 0.170 sec.
Antique Boards for Flooring - Legacy Vintage
Every effort is made to carefully remove, de-nail, transport and store the flooring ...
Hardwood Tongue and Groove Flooring - Legacy Vintage
We gratuitously provide an additional 5% of footage to deal with installation problems but ...
Terms Beginning With "I"
Irradiation: Exposure to radiation of wavelengths shorter than those of visible light (gamma, x-ray, or ultra- violet), for medical purposes, to sterilize milk or other foodstuffs, or to induce polymerization of monomers ...
The Efficient Windows Collaborative: Resources
Refraction. The deflection of a light ray from a straight path when it passes at an oblique angle ... or reflective film applied to the glazing surface to reduce visible, ultra-violet, or total transmission of solar radiation. Reduces solar heat gain in ... are outside of the visible spectrum at its short-wavelength violet end. Ultraviolet rays are found in everyday sunlight and can ...
LIPU-UK -> Working in Britain for Birds in Italy
But what are the causes of the decline? Loss of habitat, pollution, exposure to ultra-violet rays, introduction of exotic species, disease and variations in climate are destroying amphibians all over ... walls of the visitor centre. The old bedrooms have become an operating theatre, with X-ray facilities, and a surgery and recovery room with housing for animals and birds undergoing treatment ...