Results 1 - 10 from 236 for ultimate value in 0.548 sec.
Becoming wonder
In our higher order of evolutionary complexity, what is the human version of this quality of fierce guardianship? What is of ultimate value to us? When I say ultimate, I mean fundamental. And by fundamental, I mean primal, "the ultimate nature of things," to draw on Alfred ...
Becoming wonder
In our higher order of evolutionary complexity, what is the human version of this quality of fierce guardianship? What is of ultimate value to us? When I say ultimate, I mean fundamental. And by fundamental, I mean primal, "the ultimate nature of things," to draw on Alfred ...
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Professional Ethics for Media Studies
Fidelity / honor commitment to those you serve -- Veracity / truthfulness Ethical Orientation (aka "ultimate loyalty") Attributes of ethical orientation Communitarian Libertarian Egalitarian Elitist Altrusitic Individualistic ... of the community or the greater good of individuals? Who bears the ultimate value -- the individual or the community? Often this is psychological: Outgoing people may ...
Home - New College
I know that the question of value is subject to many interpretations. A simple approach to determining the ultimate value of a transcript is the value the student holder places on the work and accomplishments that led to degree completion. In any case, a New College degree will continue to have value ...
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
Anon. 1994) that the difficulties of objectively evaluating the relative biodiversity and conservation value of marine sites are being overcome. Sampling methods for aquatic organisms are improving. It ... be assessed globally, if consistent priorities are to be set to conserve species from ultimate, not local, extinction. Mature forest, and wetlands, are in decline internationally, as are many ...
Holland Island Preservation Foundation
The IRS allows the market value of the barge as a tax deduction for charitable purposes. ... shallow water of from one to three feet of depth. Ecological Value The island acts as a buffer to a vast area of ... modern tools and techniques, this fragile ecosystem can be saved from ultimate destruction. Your job is to care. The Holland Island Preservation Foundation ...
Fritz Hull - A New Spirit Of Hope
Spirit, by whatever name one chooses to call the ultimate mystery at the source and end of life. Fritz Hull, a founder and co-director ... thought and language. At the same time we must keep hold of what is of value within our traditions - all those things that are, and probably always will be, empowering and ...
EHS Search Associates: Environmental, Occupational
Our ultimate goal is to provide innovative, value-added services that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Home : Clients ...
Adding Value & Getting Your Coconuts, March 2005
What does the middleman provide that is of value (the value-added component)? The obvious answer in the desert island scenario is ... value of the monkey's service? What is the value-added by the function the monkey has provided? Perhaps it is immeasurable! Value Added Value ... even consumers directly. In many ways the Internet is the ultimate middleman! The Bottom Line The gist of the story is ...
energy conservation - "The Ultimate Comfort - Top 5 Reasons For Getting An Awning"
Top 5 Reasons For Getting An Awning" Home | Energy Conservation energy conservation - "The Ultimate Comfort - Top 5 Reasons For Getting An Awning" By: Dion Semeniuk Awnings are an economical ... adding shape, dimension, and color, thus producing style and character that can actually increase the value of a home. Massive Selection Another benefit of the awning is that with such a ...
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