Results 1 - 10 from 157 for true comfort in 0.274 sec.
Principles of Ecological Design
Moderate and efficient resource use Individual thought and action Green living inspiration Cooperative anarchy True progress True comfort Preserving our legacy of ancient wisdom "This concise booklet is densely packed ... or the resources which the traditional approach requires have been appropriated for other uses. True comfort The whole body changes in response to its environment. Head out into the ...
Living with Nature (book)
Mount Shasta Topics include: The cultural imperative, context specificity, cooperative anarchy, true progress, true comfort, the natural economy, land ownership, economy of wholeness, measures of wealth, ... highest interest. True progress True progress involves actually solving problems. "Progress" seems to involve solving old problems by creating new ones. True comfort Adaptive discomfort produces ...
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Ecology of Lakes and Ponds for Anglers
In the warm summer the cool water species head ... the warm water species that use the depth to seek comfort. The long growing season and abundance of nutrients provided by ... the other accidental addition-the Tilapia-have had severe consequences. As a true omnivore ('all eating' literally-they eat plants, other animals, and scavenge ...
SRI's Values and Lifestyle Program
Achievers tend to be materialistic, hard-working, oriented to fame and success, and comfort loving. These are the affluent people who have created the economic system in response to ... psychological advance would involve the shift from Inner-Direction to Outer-Direction. This would be true, for example, of people raised according to the tenets of the great inner-directed Eastern ...
Duane Elgin - Let's Put The Vision In Television!
I rush to the ballroom stage and urge the master of ceremonies to begin making ... wonder so many people are cynical about the potentials of television. Yet, it is also true that television offers the potential of bringing distant wars, people, and events so close to ...
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Love to Climb? Live to Climb
Carabiners (Locking) - Metolius Metolius Matrix Locker Carabiner The Metolius Matrix Locker is the true all-purpose locking carabiner from Metolius, perfect for building top-rope anchors. ... in width & thickness at the front of the waist & legs, to provide unparalleled comfort, mobility, and performance. Keywords: ArcTeryx, Vapor, Harness, climbing, harnesses, climb, adjustable, arcteryx, arc, ...
Kind Planet Humane Education - Rat Care
Some rats like hammocks, though some will chew them apart. The same is true for stuffed animals. Some rats will carry ...
History of Public Toilets plumbing world
"Recess of great comfort Whether it is situated in the fields or in the city ... toilets were bad, people preferred to do open defecation. This was true in most of the countries. It was in 1872 that the ... in human history, which Toffler calls as "Cultural Gap". It was true for railway train, ballpoint pen and innumerable other inventions. During this ...
Having It all
Many "believe" they have a "soul mate," yet they settle for a "comfort mate" just to keep the horror of loneliness at bay. Most people believe in abundance ... beliefs." How can you tell what beliefs are lurking under your surface, keeping you from true happiness? It’s obvious—simply look at what realities you’re currently creating in your ...
Service Your Air Conditioner for Summer Comfort
The same idea holds true for your air conditioner or heat pump. If you don't ... ups that you can do to help ensure a high level of comfort and proper system operation. First, buy good filters and change them regularly. ... major break down, they have a longer life span, they increase your comfort, and they operate for less money. You can also find more information ...
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