tropical moist forests

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Results 1 - 10 from 73 for tropical moist forests in 0.176 sec.

March 5, 2002: Our Closest Relatives Are Disappearing
Congo, the country containing half of Africa's remaining tropical moist forests. If political stability returns, tree cutting could increase several fold in the next few ... annually in the Congo Basin, almost 6 times more than the forests' sustainable yield. Commercial hunting has emptied forests that were once full of animals. Though rural communities have long ...

WWF Global 200 Ecoregions -- Southwestern Amazonian Moist Forests
Southwestern Amazon moist forests ecoregion is truly a wonder. Ninety-four percent of this remarkable region's original forested area is still intact, with lowland tropical moist forests, unique flooded savannas dotted with palm trees, and bamboo-dominated forests blanketing an area the size of England. ...

WWF - South Pacific Islands Forests - A Global Ecoregion
Cook Islands tropical moist forests; Fiji tropical dry forests; Fiji tropical moist forests; Tuamotu tropical moist forests; Tongan tropical moist forests; Society Islands tropical moist forests; Samoan tropical moist forests; Marquesas tropical moist forests; Tubuai tropical moist forests. The South Pacific islands of Fiji and Samoa were once clothed in tropical moist and dry forests, including ...

The Peregrine Fund - Conservation Projects - The Maya Project - Tropical Deforestation
Fund - Conservation Projects - The Maya Project - Tropical Deforestation SOME PRINCIPAL AGENTS OF TROPICAL DEFORESTATION Forest is cut and dried, in preparation for burning. Shifting Cultivation Shifting cultivation ... . Myers (1980) states that, "By far the most important factor in conversion of tropical moist forests (TMF) appears to be the forest farmer." The importance of shifting cultivation as ...

WWF - Southwestern Amazon Moist Forests - A Global Ecoregion
Southwest Amazon moist forests; Purus-Madeira moist forests; Madeira-Tapajós moist forests. Ninety-four percent of this remarkable region's original forested area is still intact, with lowland tropical moist forests ...

Classification of Forests in Kerala
Forests in Kerala Classification of Forests in Kerala Type of Forests (Legal status: Reserved Forests) Southern Tropical Wet Evergreen and Semi Evergreen Southern Tropical Moist Deciduous Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous Montane Sub Tropical ...

Shrinking Forests
Tropical moist forest is found between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn and the temperate moist forests are north and south of these latitudes ... half of the world’s rainforests have disappeared; 10% of tropical forests were destroyed in the 1980s and only 1% were replaced. Tropical rainforests currently cover about 1,600 million ha, but about ...

Tropical Montane Forests (Shola forests)
Tropical Montane Forests (Shola forests) Shola forests Tropical Montane Forests: Web The broad class of tropical montane forests ...

Why forests matter
Moist’ is a general description indicating that there is a lot of rainfall, all year round. Tropical moist forest is found between the tropic of cancer and the tropic of capricorn and the temperate moist forests are north and south of these latitudes. Nearly all these forests are shrinking ...

WWF Global 200 Ecoregion Photos -- Southwestern Amazonian Moist Forests
WWF Global 200 Ecoregion Photos -- Southwestern Amazonian Moist Forests Global 200 > Tropical and Subtropical Moist Broadleaf Forests Southwestern Amazonian Moist Forests Manu National Park, Peru Photograph by © WWF-Canon/André BÄRTSCHI World Wildlife Fund and National ...

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