treaty right

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The Dirty Laundry
Sones. He explains that whaling is assured as a treaty right and that the Council has an obligation to see to it ... Then I could not say anything, because they would have exercised their treaty right”, she said. Some of the reason for the low participation in ... told the press, “because they did not think it was right to put a treaty right up for a vote. Many of them refused to vote.” - ...

What goes around comes around
Makahs don’t have a problem. They have a treaty right.Pursuant to the US Constitution they have been granted the right to go out whaling. What can the US government do ... Court say when the US government tells it that it has thrown the Makah's treaty rights away to a body that has been converted to whale rights. What will they ... More from this site

CRITFC | Pacific Salmon Treaty
America and the Prime Minister of Canada on March 18, 1985. Treaty Principles The Pacific Salmon Treaty is built upon two basic principles: Prevent Overfishing and Provide for ... that intentionally increases interceptions without the other country's approval. The Treaty does not modify any existing Indian treaty right or other federal law. Each country agrees to cooperatively undertake management ...

The Northern Right Whale Page 2
Additionally, they are now listed under Appendix I of CITES, a treaty observed by 122 nations,(5) including the United States. Domestic Protection: Right whales are protected ... of Georgia, personal communication). This discrepancy may explain the different recovery responses. 4. The right whale was so named by early whalers, who found that its coastal distribution, slow ...

CRITFC | Treaty with the Yakama
United States, to travel upon all public highways. The exclusive right of taking fish in all the streams, where running through ... : For the first five years after the ratification of the treaty, ten thousand dollars each year, commencing September first, 1856; for ... and restrictions as other Indian reservations. ARTICLE 11. This treaty shall be obligatory, upon the contracting parties as soon ...

FAO Legal Office
Treaties CONVENTIONS, AGREEMENTS AND TREATIES DEPOSITED WITH FAO Under the provisions ... upon the International Agricultural Research Centres to sign agreements with the Governing Body of the Treaty with regard to such ex situ collections. At present, 15 agreements have been signed. ...

NOTICE calling for moratorium on logging in the Goolengook Forest from a Bidwali leader NO CONSENT NO TREATY NO JURISDICTION Regional Forest Agreement signed in East Gippsland fails to consult with traditional owners the Bidwali people, ignores the sovere
Aboriginal Land. Logging. Forest Blockade. Woodchipping. Goolengook East Gippsland. Victoria Australia. No Treaty, No Consent, No Jurisdiction Aboriginal Leaders Defend the Forest In a first for forest ... Ancient forests, " Mr Hayes stated. "The government must recognise the Bidwali's ancient sovereign right to land through biological link to the original inhabitants." "This land has been ...

Trick or treaty: An energy tax in disguise
Indeed, the Climate Treaty calls for achieving a concentration of greenhouse gases that avoids "dangerous interference" with the climate ... the kind of permanent global entitlement scheme that State Department planners have had in mind right along. If so, they may find the U.S. Senate peculiarly resistant to such a ...

Clinton's Global Warming Action Plan
Global Climate Treaty in 1992. The United States was the fourth country to ratify the Treaty, right after Mauritius, the Seychelles, and the Marshall Islands, but until last October ratification by European Community nations was far from certain. European nations that finally endorsed the Treaty ... More from this site

IELRC.ORG - The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Rome, 3 Nov. 2001 [hereafter PGRFA Treaty]. On the relationship between the Treaty and intellectual property right instruments, see, e.g., article 12.3.f of the PGRFA Treaty, above n. 3. See article 15 of the PGRFA Treaty ...

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