treaty obligations

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Results 1 - 10 from 66 for treaty obligations in 0.541 sec.

Fish and Wildlife Service
Federal trust responsibility toward Indian tribes respects tribal rights acknowledges the treaty obligations of the United States toward tribes uses the government-to-government relationship in dealing with ...

RE: Stop Complex 2030
U.S. government is not meeting its own obligations to pursue nuclear disarmament ``in good faith.''  As ... United States take the lead in stopping nuclear proliferation by living up to our treaty obligations to reduce and eventually eliminate our own nuclear weapons stockpile. Sincerely, EAN Alerts Email ...

RE: Stop Complex 2030
U.S. government is not meeting its own obligations to pursue nuclear disarmament ``in good faith.''  As ... United States take the lead in stopping nuclear proliferation by living up to our treaty obligations to reduce and eventually eliminate our own nuclear weapons stockpile. Sincerely, EAN Alerts Email ... More from this site

SBN Feature Article: June 1998
A market-based approach long advocated by EDF -(Environmental Defense Fund) and built into the treaty itself - provides the tools needed to stimulate early reductions. The climate treaty ... receive GHG reduction credits, which they could use to meet any future (post-2008) obligations. Under such a program, early GHG reductions would have tangible financial value - as ...

Environmentalists Against War: Say No! to War
While the US government resists its obligations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, California has enacted standards that will help move us there ... United States itself is refusing to give up its nuclear weapons and abide by its treaty obligations to abandon reliance on nuclear weapons. The United States incinerated two cities with atom bombs ...

EcoPeace / Regional Data
Treaty. For the purposes of this paragraph each Party represents to the other that in its opinion and interpretation there is no inconsistency between their existing treaty obligations and this Treaty ... the event of a conflict between the obligations of the Parties under the present Treaty and any of their other obligations, the obligations under this Treaty will be binding and implemented. ARTICLE ...

Run, Rummy, Run - Opinion Forum - Global Policy Forum
... , partly because many states do not enforce their treaty obligations unless they are ratified by domestic legislation, partly because many prosecutors are ignorant about these obligations and partly because, even if they know ...

Whaling and international law
UNCLOS itself. UNCLOS articles otherwise do not forbid ... governing treaty, but it is widely ignored and departures from it are not sanctioned. Even the basic matter of meeting financial obligations is ... regard to the harvesting of bowhead whales in Canada, its obligations in respect of article 65 of the UNCLOS to `work ...

IELRC.ORG - The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
The new Undertaking is now known as the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA Treaty)[3]. The Treaty was the object of arduous negotiations which led to ... . Further member states are to take measures to eliminate threats to PGRFA. Alongside conservation obligations, member states must also promote the sustainable use of PGRFA. These include the promotion ...

UNEP Global POPs Treaty ( INC4/Bonn, March 2000 )
POPs treaty. Such a goal is central to the Treaty’s success. Language that commits to only interim steps towards ... POPs Convention or not subject to the restrictions and phase-out obligations. Language must be strong as possible on restriction obligations. WTO Supremacy Clause Recommendation: During the INC2, a World Trade ...

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