Results 1 - 6 from 6 for translocation permit in 0.222 sec.
State Laws & Short-Tailed Opossums
STO, it may require a Translocation Permit. In 09/2004, a representative from the Department of Fish ... have a receipt for the purchase and obtain a "Translocation Permit" from the licensing agency. GFC 18.17 - WILDLIFE PET RESTRICTIONS ... (2) An application for a transportation permit shall be made on an application for Transportation Permit form provided by the department and ...
Fish and Wildlife Service
HCP including land acquisition or exchange, habitat restoration or enhancement, translocation, and other management techniques. For example, lands managed by the Department of the Interior ...
Ornate Box Turtle - WDNR
Endangered and Threatened Species List in l972, possession of ornate box turtles is by permit only for scientific research and educational purposes. Unfortunately, the laws protecting this species can ... today to look at recovery strategies for this species. The most promising prospect is translocation. This is where researchers gather turtles from very small remnant populations and then transport ...
Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii)
What about fish restocking programs? Translocation and fish restocking programs for Murray Cod occur in, and are controlled and ... Exemption due to prior authorisation your action or activities were specifically authorised by a permit, or other authorisation, issued under a Commonwealth, State or Territory law before 16 ...
Keeping Marsupials : Keeping and Breeding Marsupials in Captivity, Maintaining Injured and Orphaned Wildlife in Captivity, Animal Husbandry, Australian Marsupials, Australian Mammals, Marsupial Conservation
If the general public stop removing individuals and permit the establishment of long-term residents (Coulson and Haron, 1981), the scale of the problem ... if their box(es) were occupied. (2.) Translocation On the basis of the reintroduction study conducted by Rod Pietsch in 1994, indicating that translocation of wild caught Brush-tail possums results in ...
Marine Mammal Commission
Service Subject: Comments and recommendations on a draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement on the translocation of southern sea otters Download a copy: PDF (76 KB) Date: December 27, ... Date: September 25, 2003 Recipient: National Marine Fisheries Service Subject: Comments and recommendations on permit applications with regard to the goals, policies, and requirements of the Marine Mammal ...