Results 1 - 10 from 93 for traditional medicine market in 0.360 sec.
EDGE of Existence :: Chinese Giant Salamander
Yangtze, Pearl and Yellow Rivers. Threats Over exploitation for the food trade and traditional medicine market in China. The destruction, degradation and fragmentation of its habitat as a ... is caused by a combination of over-exploitation for human consumption and the traditional medicine market, and habitat destruction and degradation from dam construction, stream pollution and siltation after ...
Asia. The Myanmar authorities have warned traditional practitioners not to use tiger body parts in their medicines in an ...
At right, a group of Vietnamese businessmen display a tiger skeleton for sale for traditional medicine to undercover investigators from the wildlife trade monitoring group TRAFFIC. CAT projects are developing ... often subsist on the same wild prey as the cats, threatening their survival. The black market value of cat skins and other parts provides additional incentive to poach. The Cat ...
Tiger in Cambodia
But tigers are disappearing fast under pressure from the black market traditional medicine trade. The Cambodia Tiger Conservation Program has hired former tiger hunters as community wildlife rangers ...
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Middle East Natural Products Expo to showcase
Abdulla S. Al Matroushi, ... a rapid growth being recorded each year. The Middle East is a fast-growing market for natural and organic products, and the exhibition is expected to attract over 5 ...
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
In addition, the eggs, liver oil, and bile of sawfishes can be used in Chinese traditional medicine. Also, like all other sawfishes, their rostra may be used in traditional medicine, as religious offerings, and sold as curios. In addition ...
Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department: Freshwater Sawfish
In addition, the eggs, liver oil, and bile of sawfishes can be used in Chinese traditional medicine. Also, like all other sawfishes, their rostra may be used in traditional medicine, as religious offerings, and sold as curios. There ...
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David Taylor - Forest Stewards
Another project aimed to develop a stable consumer market for these medicines. After a non-governmental organization ... medicinal trade controlled by a few powerful people), with patience and persistence the traditional medicine factory began to show a profit in just two years. A UN Food ...
SBN Feature Article: January 1998
A recent World Bank study reports that in China, where traditional medicine sales have doubled in the last five years, 77 of 389 rare and endangered plant species are traditional medicinal plants. In India, ...
WWF - Traditional medicinal and magic uses of tiger parts in Sumatra
Penis Traditional "tonic" The penis is said to have aphrodisiac powers. Back to the top Gall Traditional medicine Tiger gall is dried and put into tablets used to cure bone diseases. Flesh - Traditional medicine, crop ... strips of flesh around the edge of a field to keep wild pigs away. The market for tiger flesh remains generally local and is not apparently commercially significant. Fat Magic ...
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