traditional landowners

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Results 1 - 10 from 162 for traditional landowners in 0.284 sec.

Peace on Bougainville? (Do or Die)
To put it lightly, on this occasion it was clear their land was not being passed on in the traditional manner. The ... (ominously) Australian troops. In August 1998, a Pan Bougainville Leaders Congress was held involving the traditional chiefs as well as representatives of the women of Bougainville. The Pan Bougainville Congress ...

Logging' "Yesterday, we had the opportunity to visit the home of a group of traditional landowners near Madang called the Dipida Clan. Thirty-five years ago, when logging in Papua New ...

ECNT » Current Campaigns » Mining » West Arnhem Land
Land Council informs traditional owners and affected groups and communities within ... traditional landowners can be involved in negotiations. The negotiated agreement is then presented at a meeting of traditional landowners for their consideration. 6. Agreement - Once the traditional landowners ...

Species Accounts: cporo.htm
Papua New Guinea. Surveys by Messel and ...

Annie Kajir -- the lawyer who won't be scared off by the robber barons of Papua New Guinea's timber industry. | July 2006 | New Internationalist
Brisbane who said she had a case. On behalf of the traditional landowners, she filed a claim. There was a technicality. The case was withdrawn. Annie persisted. By ... in the Supreme Court of PNG, forcing the logging industry to pay damages to the traditional landowners in another part of the country (Warangoi in East New Britain province). Nine years later ...

As most of the land in Papua New Guinea has traditional landowners, the people must play a key role in conservation in the country. Because of this ...

Wet Tropics NRM Plans - Rainforest CRC
The Aboriginal Plan raises national awareness of the pivotal role Traditional Owners play in the ecologically sustainable development of northern Australia and aims ... jointly. A Joint Working Group, comprising representatives from the NRM Board, NQAA and traditional landowners, is overseeing the project. A Key Stakeholder Reference Group of government, industry and ...

Research and Conservation Foundation of Papua New Guinea
RCF evolved out of shared concern between researchers and the Crater Mountain landowners about the declining population of unique and rare species that are endemic to the ... natural resources in PNG. The Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area works to educate the traditional landowners of CMWMA about the importance of their environment and how to sustainable manage and ...

Montana Water Trust - Benefitting Landowners, Streamflows and Communities
Montana Water Trust - Benefitting Landowners, Streamflows and Communities Prior Appropriation Abandonment Private Leasing Law Adjudication WATER LAW Prior Appropriation History: ... before those with younger rights. Oftentimes, not enough water is left instream to support fisheries. Traditional elements of a valid appropriation under the prior appropriation doctrine are as follows: Intent: An ...

The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts, Inc. OPTIONS FOR LANDOWNERS
Easements typically restrict dumping, mining, paving and development of houses, while allowing traditional family uses of the property. The restricted land can be sold, but the ... through restrictions agreed upon by all participating landowners. Such agreements are permanent and could be enforced by any of the landowners or future landowners. Mutual covenants can reduce property taxes ...

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